Matgemini has entered the room.
DOGHHH has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole has entered the room.
Hillbilly Baluga has entered the room.
Matgemini: im first!
Hillbilly Baluga: Hey guys!
SkyDouglasLP has entered the room.
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
Matgemini: :-)
iamalwaysthemole: hello
SkyDouglasLP: Hi Everyone
SkyDouglasLP: Not bad attendance right? lol
Caseboy6: hey
iamalwaysthemole: I'm going to write down who is here and who isn't
Hillbilly Baluga: alrighty
DOGHHH: Sorry yall that I missed lately..Ive been VERY sick, even in the hospital at one
point, and had computer issues
DOGHHH: but Im back and readfy to be a part of the team
Matgemini: 8-)
Hillbilly Baluga: no problem
Hillbilly Baluga: we're happy you're here
Matgemini: stop with the blank messages
Hillbilly Baluga: My messages aren't blank..I just had my background color as black and
my font as white
SkyDouglasLP: what mat? lol
Hillbilly Baluga: guess you're the only one that couldn't see them
Matgemini: hm
DOGHHH: I could see them :-)
Hillbilly Baluga: haha, ok :-)
Hillbilly Baluga: so whats everyone up to?
iamalwaysthemole: do any of you write down the stats for the entire tribe?
DOGHHH: I have a major stomach ache lol
Hillbilly Baluga: that I do not...
DOGHHH: I had chinese tasted good but hates my stomach
Hillbilly Baluga: I'm not big on chinese myself
SkyDouglasLP: O... Feel better
DOGHHH: Thanks. I am mostly not sick anymore but my voice is still not totally back
DOGHHH: which sucks because I have a singing contest this saturday
SkyDouglasLP: Oh really
SkyDouglasLP: Where?
SkyDouglasLP: What kind of singing contest is it I mean
Hillbilly Baluga: awesome...good luck w/ that
SkyDouglasLP: Yea GL, even if your feeling sick just trying your best
SkyDouglasLP: And try to get some rest I guess
SkyDouglasLP: lol
SkyDouglasLP: That rhymed
SkyDouglasLP: Didnt lol
Hillbilly Baluga: LOL
Hillbilly Baluga: we have our own Dr. Seuss
DOGHHH: It is a "Foreign Popular Music" contest
iamalwaysthemole: As long as our tribe holds strong, and nobody gets mad about being voted off,
were going to be a very strong tribe
DOGHHH: I am singing Once In A Lifetime by Heinz Winckler
Hillbilly Baluga: yeah, thats true iam
iamalwaysthemole: weird name
Hillbilly Baluga: and i've never heard of that Dog
DOGHHH: Heinz Winckler is the South African Idol
Matgemini: UH
Hillbilly Baluga: oh, thats cool
iamalwaysthemole: As long as none of us that are voted off try to offend everyone on the tribe, we
should have no problem defeating Yasurs
Matgemini: chea
DOGHHH: Yeah we need to stay together :-)
Hillbilly Baluga: definitely
Matgemini: ah
Matgemini: is this a tc?
Matgemini: or a sit n chat just be here
Matgemini: lol
DOGHHH: Leeeeeettsss stay togethherr
Hillbilly Baluga: well its definitely not a t.c....
iamalwaysthemole: I bet that there will be a twist next week
DOGHHH: whther times are good orr badd happyy or sadd
DOGHHH: Does anyone know who got voted off?
iamalwaysthemole: In Vanuatu there was a twist on the third episode
DOGHHH: guys, I got the treemail
iamalwaysthemole: yay!
Hillbilly Baluga: awesome
Hillbilly Baluga: lets hear it
Hillbilly Baluga: err...see it
iamalwaysthemole: and it's not a girlish "yay!"
DOGHHH: I got it twice since my IM is messed up
SkyDouglasLP: o
Hillbilly Baluga: ok
SkyDouglasLP: i wonder what the treemail says!
DOGHHH: one sec
DOGHHH: I gotta shorten it
iamalwaysthemole: Survivor is brought to you by Macdonalds
Hillbilly Baluga: lol @ iam
iamalwaysthemole: We really do put The Donald in Macdonalds