^ACTUAL DATE - February 3, 2005^
^ACTUAL DAY - 18/88^


Ppenguin757 has entered the room.
E x X Boifriend has entered the room.
DampeRIP has entered the room.
E x X Boifriend: Hi
lil evil BRIAN has entered the room.
lil evil BRIAN:
Buddy9775 has entered the room.
E x X Boifriend: we cam so close
Buddy9775: i hate my computer
DampeRIP: indeed
DampeRIP: so close
E x X Boifriend: i'm sorrrry, i wish there was something other than trivia, i can win other thing than that lol

E x X Boifriend: I don't really know anymore. I think I improved my situation, but it all depends on what happens in the next few days. I think i might be marked for the next one to go however. i want a tribal switch desperatly, then they will need me! cause honestly, im sucking up this challenges lol