Matgemini has entered the room.
DOGHHH has entered the room.
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole has entered the room.
DOGHHH: hey yall
iamalwaysthemole: hello
bpcrap2 has entered the room.
Matgemini: sup
DOGHHH: did anyone invite sky?
Caseboy6: i did
SkyDouglasLP has entered the room.
DOGHHH: my hands smell like cinnamon
DOGHHH: and I dont know why
DOGHHH: did I spell cinnamon right?
DOGHHH: aloha sky
SkyDouglasLP: hi
Matgemini: hmmm
Matgemini: any challengees 2day
SkyDouglasLP: I think Guy prob. has a challenge scheduled for today lol
SkyDouglasLP: Or an SP challenge I guess
bpcrap2: I hope it's not SP.
DOGHHH: i realize my hands actually smell like my school
DOGHHH: Ohh and that comment doesnt have anything to do with the game
DOGHHH: Im just mad at my friend Kate...and yelling that out randomly helped
SkyDouglasLP: o
SkyDouglasLP: are u ok? lol
SkyDouglasLP: was it a big thing that happened?
DOGHHH: yes lol
DOGHHH: I confieded a secret to my friend and she said the secret was too big for her
to hold i in
DOGHHH: so she told people
DOGHHH: and it makes me mad because it doesnt concern her OR is a confusing
iamalwaysthemole: tell us
DOGHHH: it involves a friend I was concerned about I was asking advice about
DOGHHH: and Kate needed backgoruind info to understand and she misused the info
for her own advantage
iamalwaysthemole: I went 12 minutes without typing anything in this chat!=-O
iamalwaysthemole: the classic "secret tell all" in school
bpcrap2: TREE MAIL