^ACTUAL DATE - April 14, 2005^
^ACTUAL DAY - 88/88^


Survivor Guy 886: GAME, YOU'RE UP
Game2Shark5: Ok, well, this game was awesome fun for me.
Game2Shark5: I was never here, yet I still controlled pretty much everyone, because basically everyone was sheep.
Game2Shark5: Then one of you finally grew a brain, and got me out.
Game2Shark5: And I respect that person a lot.
Game2Shark5: Ex, my question to you is: For how long did you realise that I was a threat, and how easy was it to feed Sky with information?
E x X Boifriend: I never thought you were a threat game, you were never at meetings, and i was more wanting to keep you because penguin was a bigger threat. I don't think you were a huge threat in the game, although you could have come, neither me or sky were the reason you went.
E x X Boifriend: And I started feeding sky information when the merge started
E x X Boifriend: And it was really easy because Sky was looking for something to lock onto
Game2Shark5: Thank-you, then could you tell me what was behind my demise?
E x X Boifriend: Hill was
Game2Shark5: Ok, thank-you.
Game2Shark5: Sky, my question to you is: Name ONE major strategical decision that you made BY YOURSELF, not with the help of someone else, and a POST-MERGE decision.
SkyDouglasLP: Game, to be honest, you really dont know how I played this game at all I dont think. I came to you as the "innocent, nieve" player because I knew that you thought that you would be able to control me.
SkyDouglasLP: And because of that you would allign with me
SkyDouglasLP: And I was right, I saw a vote you cast as part of a TC where you said Id do whatever you would say.
Game2Shark5: That's great, answer the question please.
SkyDouglasLP: ONE major strategical decision I made by myself? Well after MMX went I made an alliance with Penguin, because I knew that could be beneficial to me later in the game. And similarly I made a final 2 alliance with exx pretty much securing my spot in the final 2, knowing that Hill would also probably take me if he won final 3 immunity
Game2Shark5: Ok, thanks, I'm not finished though.
Game2Shark5: For both of you: I want you both to say one negative point about your opponents game, and one negative about your own game.
Game2Shark5: Sky first.
SkyDouglasLP: One negative thing about my game was that I had to betray a few people to get here which sucked because I do have feelings, but thats part of the game. One negative thing about Exxs game is similar, he made a final 2 alliance with BP as far as I know and ended up voting him out when he would have most definitely brought him to the final 2. But it ended up working out for exx
SkyDouglasLP: What we each did ended up working out for both of us.
Game2Shark5: Ok, Ex
E x X Boifriend: One thing that is negative about SKY’s strategy is that he worried about peoples feelings way too much
E x X Boifriend: and one thing negative about mine is that I didnt inforce the vote out of penguin when you went game
E x X Boifriend: because i let hill take control
Game2Shark5: Thanks. One last thing...
Game2Shark5: I'm not really a *****, I just wanted to see who was fake and who can handle criticism, over to you JP
Survivor Guy 886: THANKS GAME
Survivor Guy 886: LIL, YOU'RE NEXT
lil evil BRIAN: OK
lil evil BRIAN: Sky- When I was voted off, you approached me before wanting an alliance. I bet you know that I was going to talk about this.
lil evil BRIAN: But, did it occur to you if you didn't say anything that you would have a better chance to get my vote?
lil evil BRIAN: If you hadn't of lied, I wouldn't care, and I would just sit on my *** and watch Survivor Palau. And you did that twice I believe.
lil evil BRIAN: Telling Me and Penguin that we were in an alliance and voting us off. Was it really necessary?
SkyDouglasLP: Yes
lil evil BRIAN: I would of been voted out even without the alliance
lil evil BRIAN: i bet penguin would of too
lil evil BRIAN: explain...
SkyDouglasLP: It sucks that I had to do that to both of you. And if I knew earlier that I was going to vote you off I would have been honest about it. But at both of those tribal councils be and Hill were thinking about what to do until pretty much the last second, thats why I just couldnt be honest with you that I was going to vote you off.
SkyDouglasLP: Because I didnt know what I was going to do even like 10 minutes before TC
lil evil BRIAN: ummmm
lil evil BRIAN: that was crappy answer
SkyDouglasLP: OK, But thats the truth
lil evil BRIAN: What was your strategy? It looked like your played the, "Hide behind the Bushes" thing and I'm not a very big fan of that.
SkyDouglasLP: I dont see how I played a hide behind the bushes strategy. I think that me and Hill did alot of strategizing and my strategy was to get as many people to trust me as possible so I would have alot of options of what to do. I didnt ju st sit back and do nothing, I made the alliances that I thought were necessary and I played the game.
lil evil BRIAN: behind the bushes
lil evil BRIAN: you planned stuff all around our back
lil evil BRIAN: and lied
lil evil BRIAN: and your barely did anything
lil evil BRIAN: a sitting duck
lil evil BRIAN: the scout
lil evil BRIAN: and Did YOU make the alliances though, or did someone do that for you?
SkyDouglasLP: No... if I made alot of alliances and did alot of scheming I dont think that makes me a sitting duck at all
SkyDouglasLP: I approched Penguin
SkyDouglasLP: I approached you
lil evil BRIAN: and lied to us both?
lil evil BRIAN: after penguin was voted outhe said that you,hill and penguin were in an alliance
SkyDouglasLP: Yes, thats true
lil evil BRIAN: ok
lil evil BRIAN: EX
lil evil BRIAN: Why did you decide to go over with Lopevi? I'm dying to know that reason. Was I a threat of something. Ive talked countless times of how I never won anything.
lil evil BRIAN: And how i suck
E x X Boifriend: Because I knew I could not get to the final two going with the original yasur tribe, I knew I was basically just a 5th wheel in your little group, as well I felt that lopevi was more accepting
lil evil BRIAN: Do you honestly deserve to win?
E x X Boifriend: Yes I do
lil evil BRIAN: Why....
E x X Boifriend: Because i came from a tribe that hated me
E x X Boifriend: you were one of them that hated me
E x X Boifriend: you were one of the ones going to vote me out
E x X Boifriend: and I came from that tribe to here
lil evil BRIAN: ok
lil evil BRIAN: final question
lil evil BRIAN: to both of you
lil evil BRIAN: Do you consider yourself, a leader or a follower?
E x X Boifriend: Neither, never be in front or the back of the pack
SkyDouglasLP: I feel like I was a behind the scenes leader I guess
lil evil BRIAN: ummm, ok
lil evil BRIAN: that didnt help much
Survivor Guy 886: ALRIGHT, THANKS LIL
Survivor Guy 886: HILL, YOU'RE UP
Hillbilly Baluga: Ok, first and foremost, congrats to both of you for making it here
Hillbilly Baluga: so first, I want to start with Sky
Hillbilly Baluga: Sky, Its pretty obvious we had a strong bond, since we were together since Day 1. And we made it through all the Yasurs after merge. Now, I would just like you to tell me, what would have been the perfect plan for your final 2.
Hillbilly Baluga: And I want the straight truth please
SkyDouglasLP: Me and you have been together from the beginning like you said and I would have wanted us to be the final 2.
Hillbilly Baluga: So were you covering your own butt by asking ex to be in the final two with you?
SkyDouglasLP: Around the time I asked exx to be in the final 2 with me, we both had the same idea in mind, to make sure one of us had a final 2 alliance with exx so that he would be willing to vote out BP at the final 4
SkyDouglasLP: Thats why I made a final 2 alliance with exx
Hillbilly Baluga: ok
Hillbilly Baluga: thank you
Hillbilly Baluga: Now ex. First I'd like to say Im sorry, I didn't get to go to **** like you wanted, instead im here. But more importantly, my question to you has two parts:
Hillbilly Baluga: first, what makes you think you deserve to sit there over me.
E x X Boifriend: I wasn't stupid in decisions like voting out threats, you were more interested in keeping Penguin who was going to win alot of challenges instead of voting out game who did nothing
E x X Boifriend: I had to do more to survive through the game, than you
E x X Boifriend: I lasted longer than you in the endurence challenge
E x X Boifriend: I was more honest than you
Hillbilly Baluga: could you give me an example of when I wasn't honest?
E x X Boifriend: Obviously tonight with how you guys decieved everyone
Hillbilly Baluga: Well I didn't feel I ever lied to anyone
Hillbilly Baluga: AND what is the real reason you wanted to win the immunity challenge last time. Why wouldn't you just left sky win it instead of drop down for you.? Is it because you weren't capable of winning on your own?
E x X Boifriend: Because I knew that Sky would have taken you, and plus I wanted the satisfaction to vote you out
E x X Boifriend: And I got that
Hillbilly Baluga: Ex, shut up. You think just because you made it to the final two by riding mine and skys coat tails that you are something, Give me a break
Hillbilly Baluga: you had a final 2 with bp...but you decided to vote him Out
Hillbilly Baluga: Im done
Survivor Guy 886: THANK YOU HILL
Survivor Guy 886: THANK YOU JURY