Cards39 has entered the room.
thesavvyguy9 has entered the room.
FishyCat24 has entered the room.
ecukid1983 has entered the room.
RaveMaster4321 has entered the room.
blksurferdude has entered the room.
pacashe109 has entered the room.
Cards39: that sucked
thesavvyguy9: that had to be the most
frustrating thing ever!
Cards39: i know
Cards39: i couldnt even answer
cuz an answer would always
show up
thesavvyguy9: I can't help it I was very
disapointed and angry at the
thesavvyguy9: the arrogance of Korror
was just so over the top
thesavvyguy9: at one point I just wanted
to tell them to stfu
thesavvyguy9: lol
Cards39: lol
FishyCat24: well
FishyCat24: we tried
RaveMaster4321: alright peeps we got to tlk
FishyCat24: ok
blksurferdude: Hey Rave i ahve a question
RaveMaster4321: wat
blksurferdude: Do u think u captain or something
RaveMaster4321: no
blksurferdude: cause u surly acted that way
blksurferdude: gusy shut up, and this and this\
RaveMaster4321: i acted liek a good teammate trying to pull off my other teammates
blksurferdude: guys
blksurferdude: Welll u were acting that way
RaveMaster4321: well u were acting so were they but good sportsmanship is
turning ur back.....and not saying ne thing
blksurferdude: and again me and pacashe wasnt asses , we were talking back to clear he started
RaveMaster4321: you didnt have to respond to them but u chose to
blksurferdude: I was a good sportsman
ecukid1983: i know they were getting cocky guys but sometimes ignoring them is the best thing. but i
also understand i dont like hearing there crap and u gotta stand up for urself sometimes
blksurferdude: i did
blksurferdude: why do i whave to shut up
blksurferdude: i said
blksurferdude: what the ****
blksurferdude: how am i mocking u
blksurferdude: and u said shut up
blksurferdude: i wanted to know what i did
RaveMaster4321: yeah
RaveMaster4321: cause u didnt have to say ne thing it just strted it even more
blksurferdude: no
blksurferdude: after that is stoped
blksurferdude: stopped