lil evil BRIAN: Im studying morse code right now
Clearwater88: lol
Clearwater88: .- = A
Clearwater88: . = E .. = I ... = S .... = H
Clearwater88: T = - M = -- O = ---
lil evil BRIAN: Is there an EASY way to learn morse code?
Clearwater88: no
lil evil BRIAN: A= .-
lil evil BRIAN: thats all i know
lil evil BRIAN: B= -...
Dogdude84: just have that page up with the translator
Dogdude84: this helps too...
lil evil BRIAN: -.-.
lil evil BRIAN: = C
lil evil BRIAN: A= .-
lil evil BRIAN: B= -...
lil evil BRIAN: C= -.-.
lil evil BRIAN: Woot
lil evil BRIAN: 3 LETTERS
Gambluh2007: be back in 2 minutes
Clearwater88: lol
Dogdude84: k
Clearwater88: C= .-.-
Clearwater88: or otherway
Clearwater88: otherway
Dogdude84: rigt
Dogdude84: right*
lil evil BRIAN: its -.-.
Dogdude84: -.-.=c yes
Dogdude84: ... -- ..- .-. ..-. -.--
Dogdude84: immunity=.. -- -- ..- -. .. - -.--
Dogdude84: koror= -.- --- .-. --- .-.
Dogdude84: ulong= ..- .-.. --- -. --.
Clearwater88: lol
Dogdude84: survivor= ... ..- .-. ...- .. ...- --- .-.
Dogdude84: just a few useful ones he may ask
Gambluh2007: true
Gambluh2007: lol, never thought you could use afraid and blk in the same sentance
Dogdude84: fine...worried
Dogdude84: lol
Dogdude84: hi big
Gambluh2007: worried eitrher
BigWhale64: hey
lil evil BRIAN: A= .- B= -... C= -.-. D= _..
lil evil BRIAN: -..
Dogdude84: e=.
Clearwater88: i= ..
Dogdude84: s=...
Clearwater88: b= -...
Clearwater88: -...
Dogdude84: eisb
Clearwater88: I put caps lock on to emphasize it
Clearwater88: it didn't work
Dogdude84: Point (.) = .-.-.-
Clearwater88: huh?
Dogdude84: Comma (,) = --..--
Clearwater88: oh
Dogdude84: Questions-mark = ..--..
Dogdude84: Colon ( = ---...
Dogdude84: stupid smily
Dogdude84: Colon = ---...
Dogdude84: hyphen (-) = -....-
Dogdude84: At-sign (@) = .--.-.
Dogdude84: Error = .......
Dogdude84: sorry, error is 8 dots
Dogdude84: everyone knows the number pattern right?
Clearwater88: error?
Clearwater88: lol
Clearwater88: wtf error?
Dogdude84: dunno but if get asked, there it is
BigWhale64: lol
BigWhale64 has left the room.
lil evil BRIAN has left the room.
Dogdude84 has left the room.
Gambluh2007 has left the room.
Clearwater88 has left the room.