{Actual Date}-{June 13, 2005}
{Actual Day}-{15/89}


Gambluh2007 has entered the room.
Ppenguin757 has entered the room.
BigWhale64 has entered the room.
Clearwater88 has entered the room.
Dogdude84 has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole has entered the room.
Ppenguin757: gj guys!
Dogdude84: GREAT JOB EVERYONE! my appologies for when i blew up
BigWhale64: tg we won
Gambluh2007: WE all rock them bitches
BigWhale64: lol
Dogdude84: but you had to understand my frustration
Gambluh2007: man i wish blk were their to get pissed
iamalwaysthemole: I gather that you watch dave chapalle show dog?
Ppenguin757: ok, so who is not going to be here on wednes day
Dogdude84: yes i have, jaimes lol
Ppenguin757: so we can plan who to sit out?
Gambluh2007: ill be here prolly
Ppenguin757: i will
Ppenguin757: we sat out lil and who today>?
Dogdude84: i'll be here
Dogdude84: pha
iamalwaysthemole: pharoah
Ppenguin757: ok
Ppenguin757: so they have to participate
Dogdude84: yup
BigWhale64: ya
Ppenguin757: so lil~ph~peng~dog~gam
Dogdude84: john
Ppenguin757: and then big? john? clear?
Dogdude84: yes
Ppenguin757: i guess its who isnt there
BigWhale64: ya
Dogdude84: let's just go with absent ppl
Dogdude84: and all try to be there
Dogdude84: as usual
BigWhale64: at first
Ppenguin757: if im not on right away dont sit me out though...ill just b late
Dogdude84: ok
Ppenguin757: unless 6 of u r there
BigWhale64: if we have to resort to that
Ppenguin757: its going to get harder as we knock down ulong
Ppenguin757: and if they have 4, and we have 8
Dogdude84: yeah
Ppenguin757: then we have to be really careful
Dogdude84: do we have 8 or 9 now?
BigWhale64: how many do they have now?
Ppenguin757: ummm
iamalwaysthemole: 9
Ppenguin757: oh wait
Ppenguin757: we have 9
Dogdude84: they have 6 i think
iamalwaysthemole: 7
Ppenguin757: they have 7
Dogdude84: oh 7 mb
Dogdude84: cuz we sat out 2
Dogdude84: duh
BigWhale64: really?
Ppenguin757: but hopefully 6 soon
Ppenguin757: lol
Dogdude84: yup yup
BigWhale64: i thought they had less
BigWhale64: how many people have been voted out?
iamalwaysthemole: hopefully we do better than T.V. Koror
Dogdude84: no, take into account that tribes began at 18 people left
Dogdude84: not 20
Ppenguin757: so if we do beat them...
iamalwaysthemole: 4 have been voted out, two since tribes have been formed
Dogdude84: 4 have been voted out of the whole game
Ppenguin757: who do u think theyll vote out?
Dogdude84: don't know
Dogdude84: maybe rave
Ppenguin757: savvy, rave, fishy, blk, cards are all active
Ppenguin757: who else do they have?
Dogdude84: 1 other...hmm
iamalwaysthemole: ecukid
Dogdude84: right
Ppenguin757: ecu and pac
Dogdude84: oh 2 others. *smacks self*
Ppenguin757: LOL
Dogdude84: pac isn't very active
Dogdude84: he'll get the boot
Dogdude84: or ecu
Gambluh2007: i gotta go, see ya guys
Dogdude84: but prolly pac
Dogdude84: k cya gam
Gambluh2007: pease out homies
Ppenguin757: we have to realize that they will get stronger as we whittle them down
Dogdude84: peeeeace
Dogdude84: yes, they will
Ppenguin757: less people to weight them down
BigWhale64: Rave is too good at callenges they wont vote him out
iamalwaysthemole: and they'll have to go against our weaker members
Ppenguin757: cards too
BigWhale64: ya
Dogdude84: but we always give help in our side windows lol
Dogdude84: so no worries
Ppenguin757: true lol
Ppenguin757: i could see fishy being on the outside
BigWhale64: ya
Dogdude84: we should always have those side group chats going for challenges
BigWhale64: i kind of hope she leaves soon
Ppenguin757: yeah
Ppenguin757: i hope blk leaves
Ppenguin757: he so annoying
Ppenguin757: or rave
Ppenguin757: maybe cards
Dogdude84: k i have dinner guys. chat at ya later
Ppenguin757: hell, they should all leave
BigWhale64: Rav or Fish for me
Dogdude84: byeeeeeeee
Ppenguin757: bye dog :-)
BigWhale64: just to tell u those two have somin gon on
Ppenguin757: rave and fish?
BigWhale64: cya
Ppenguin757: figures
BigWhale64: both
BigWhale64: together
BigWhale64: they have alliance
Ppenguin757: like something?
Ppenguin757: or a little somthin somethin?
BigWhale64: lol
Ppenguin757: oh an alliance
BigWhale64: lol
iamalwaysthemole: lol
BigWhale64: i thik
BigWhale64: i think
iamalwaysthemole: I was thinking that if pharoah, john or you (whale) show up to a challenge, we don't sit them out if we have to sit out somebody that is present
BigWhale64: oic
BigWhale64: ya might be a good move
BigWhale64: for us
iamalwaysthemole: penguin doesn't get it yet
BigWhale64: lol
BigWhale64: i just hope that our inactives come to life in a way
BigWhale64: soon
iamalwaysthemole: you're currently tied with pharoah for lowest attendance
BigWhale64: ya i know
BigWhale64: i had school goin on then now school is over
BigWhale64: unless i have plans I should be there
BigWhale64: to most of them
BigWhale64: where was John tonight?
Ppenguin757: i dont know
iamalwaysthemole: he left because his girlfriend arrived
BigWhale64: oic
iamalwaysthemole: he left after the last round started, so in a way it helped us
BigWhale64: oic
iamalwaysthemole: school ends for me in eight days:-)
BigWhale64: mmmmmmmm
BigWhale64: ok im gtg peace
iamalwaysthemole: our logs after immunity goes on for a long time compared to ulong
iamalwaysthemole: I'm going to sleep in the shelter, watch the fire
Ppenguin757: yeah...i think i will too...bye :-)