Dogdude84: hey guys
Clearwater88: hey guys, brb.
iamalwaysthemole: hello
iamalwaysthemole: we're getting worse
attendance as the game goes on
Dogdude84: yep
iamalwaysthemole: penguin is going to be late,
if I remember correctly
Dogdude84: yeah
Dogdude84: why aren't brian or john in
JohnFatty: hey everyone
Dogdude84: hey guys
lil evil BRIAN: hey
lil evil BRIAN: McDonalds took a
LONG time getting my order correct
Gambluh2007: sorry bri, dont know how to
send chat invi
JohnFatty: let's do this. we gotta win again.
let's keep the streak alive!!!
lil evil BRIAN: How was the reward
Dogdude84: i invited david
iamalwaysthemole: long
lil evil BRIAN: who won?
iamalwaysthemole: we did
Dogdude84: yup
lil evil BRIAN: good
Dogdude84: we get to spy on a TC
lil evil BRIAN: :-)
Gambluh2007: if i have to spend 30 minutes of
back and forth ping pong, i aint playing ! lol
lil evil BRIAN: lol
Dogdude84: lmao
lil evil BRIAN: that was the challenge
last time or what? =-O
lil evil BRIAN: that would be saaaaad.
Gambluh2007: it was trivia, like this
iamalwaysthemole: trivia the challenge was
lil evil BRIAN: sorry that i couldnt
lil evil BRIAN: my mom kidnapped me
and made me go shopping!
Gambluh2007: 0 x x x = x x x 0 the object was
to answer a question and you go to the
left/right one
lil evil BRIAN: oh
Gambluh2007: you keep going till you get to
the 0 then you win that round, first to 3
rounds wins
Dogdude84: hey david
Ppenguin757: hey everyone
Gambluh2007: me and bigwhale tag teamed
and took 30 minutes to finally win, it was
back and fouth the whole time
Gambluh2007: everyoe else had like 5 minute
Dogdude84: yes, a very loooooong
reward challenge
Ppenguin757: that was a long one >_>
JohnFatty: i hope tonight is much quicker. i
Ppenguin757: but it was fun :-))
Gambluh2007: yeah...
Ppenguin757: i hope its not one of those,
you have 48 hours to learn this
Gambluh2007: for you watching lol
iamalwaysthemole: there most likely won't be
a challenge today
Ppenguin757: yeah
Ppenguin757: theres only 5 SP-Reward
Ppenguin757: in the whole game
iamalwaysthemole: unless it was one of few
sp-reward challenges
lil evil BRIAN: this ice cream is
freezing my teeth
lil evil BRIAN: it hurts
Ppenguin757: 1 may be now
JohnFatty: why not? the game's gotta start
moving faster don't you agree.
iamalwaysthemole: you snuck ice cream on
the island?
Ppenguin757: *gasp*
Dogdude84: lmao
lil evil BRIAN: :-[
lil evil BRIAN: :-[
Ppenguin757: lol
JohnFatty: it's not Beef Jerky flavored is it?
JohnFatty: haha
Ppenguin757: its k im having brownie right
lil evil BRIAN: its from MCdonalds,
you dont want it ;-)
Ppenguin757: ew mcdonalds ice cream
has no milk in it
JohnFatty: BRIAN is the KEL of our tribe.
let's get him out! haha
JohnFatty: kidding.
lil evil BRIAN: =-O
Ppenguin757: its all vegetable oil
lil evil BRIAN: -SHARES-
Ppenguin757: lol
Dogdude84: lol, ick who would want beef
Ppenguin757: i learned this from my
Ppenguin757: who is lactose intolernat
Ppenguin757: *intolerant
Ppenguin757: and he can only eat
mcdonalds ice cream
Dogdude84: oh wow lol
Ppenguin757: cuz theres no milk
lil evil BRIAN: Chicken Selects! :-)
lil evil BRIAN: DElicious
Dogdude84: what did?
iamalwaysthemole: your cat
Ppenguin757: "Never Again" (I think that's
the name)....
lil evil BRIAN: ummmm
Ppenguin757: FROM THE BSB!
Ppenguin757: WOOOOOO!
Dogdude84: what's the bsb?
Ppenguin757: LOL your cat
Ppenguin757: The Backstreet boys :-)
Dogdude84: oh
Dogdude84: gotcha
Ppenguin757: but its really bad
lil evil BRIAN:
Ppenguin757: and my mom, who has been waiting like 3 weeks for it
Ppenguin757: got it today and was like
Ppenguin757: This blows.
lil evil BRIAN: lol
iamalwaysthemole: never get a movie from a teen band
Dogdude84: sux
lil evil BRIAN: cheese