FishyCat24: :-)
ecukid1983: hey u made it
Cards39: hey
FishyCat24: yeah but i am leaving after this
Cards39: how are you guys?
ecukid1983: good and u
Cards39: good
Cards39: i might restart my computer because i'm lagging
FishyCat24: do it quick then
FishyCat24: they have 4 now we still have 3
Cards39: i think i'll wait it out, hoping it dies
Cards39: lol
Cards39: 4 people?
Cards39: usually they have more
FishyCat24: well thats what i can see
FishyCat24: maybe if we stop waisting time we might have a chance before more of
them show up
ecukid1983: how many of them are on
FishyCat24: 4
FishyCat24: but i heard penguin likes to hide
Cards39: why?
FishyCat24: invinsible
FishyCat24: i dont know thats what i was told
ecukid1983: yeah i do that sometimes
FishyCat24: :-)
FishyCat24: ok guys i got some mail