Dogdude84: hey guys
iamalwaysthemole: hello
JohnFatty: hey boys!
PharaohTH: hi all
Dogdude84: so we thinkin immunity tonight? reward?
Clearwater88: no idea
PharaohTH: we had reward yesterday
JohnFatty: not sure. be right back though. gotta get my wash. haha
Dogdude84: ur wash?
Dogdude84: oh, clothes
PharaohTH: how is everybody?
Dogdude84: ready to win
iamalwaysthemole: nervous, I have exams tomorrow
Dogdude84: aw, gl with those jaimes
PharaohTH: what subjects iam?
JohnFatty: i guess i'll fold them while i play. great!
iamalwaysthemole: math and french
Dogdude84: language exams are never hard
Clearwater88: :-)
Dogdude84: je suis le gran fromage
iamalwaysthemole: lol
Dogdude84: hiya david
PharaohTH: tree mail everybody
Ppenguin757: hey :-)
iamalwaysthemole: brian isn't here again
Dogdude84: lol
Dogdude84: >.<