{Actual Date}-{June 21, 2005}
{Actual Day}-{23/89}


thesavvyguy9 has entered the room.
RaveMaster4321 has entered the room.
Cards39 has entered the room.
blksurferdude has entered the room.
FishyCat24 has entered the room.
blksurferdude: and then there were six
RaveMaster4321: hey guys
thesavvyguy9: hey
RaveMaster4321: ya if we lose again it will be a bitch
FishyCat24: yep
blksurferdude: Yeah
Cards39: thats why we really need to win these next few immunities
RaveMaster4321: i agree
blksurferdude: yeah
blksurferdude: we cnat lose anymore
RaveMaster4321: nope
blksurferdude: cause once it gets to merge
blksurferdude: and we lose players
blksurferdude: its neraly impossible to win
RaveMaster4321: yeah
blksurferdude: nearly
thesavvyguy9: that's true
FishyCat24: :'(
blksurferdude: but if we go underfeated
RaveMaster4321: undefeated*
blksurferdude: anall the way to merge
blksurferdude: we can win can gurantee final 6
thesavvyguy9: but if there is the double TC twist this episode... then we are screwed
blksurferdude: yeah
blksurferdude: a picking
RaveMaster4321: double tc twist?
Cards39: like the show
RaveMaster4321: o
blksurferdude: i think on thursday
thesavvyguy9: yeah in Palau they didn't have an immunity challenge... they had two TCs
blksurferdude: theres was a double tc
FishyCat24: it might be another reward
blksurferdude: thats what it said on spread sheet
thesavvyguy9: then that is prolly what will happen
RaveMaster4321: is a double tc, where u have to vote off 2 people
Cards39: we vote someone out and so does the other tribe
thesavvyguy9: no... one person from Ulong one person from Koror
RaveMaster4321: ohhhh
RaveMaster4321: ok
thesavvyguy9: no Immunity
RaveMaster4321: i see
Cards39: i'm hoping that doesnt happen
RaveMaster4321: well guys i gtg but ill tlk to you all later
blksurferdude: later
FishyCat24: allrite
Cards39: bye
RaveMaster4321: bye
RaveMaster4321: and then there were 5
RaveMaster4321: lmao
blksurferdude: so
blksurferdude: koror votes someone off are tribe
thesavvyguy9: no... we vote someout out. Then they vote someone out.
thesavvyguy9: that's how it was on the show
blksurferdude: oh
blksurferdude: I am making a longer game
blksurferdude: I ahve it already planned
FishyCat24: ?
blksurferdude: I need to find someone who can make websities
blksurferdude: Its called Survivor New Zealand
FishyCat24: soundsl ike fun
thesavvyguy9: I can make websites
thesavvyguy9: I could work on one for you after tomorrow... when I am through with exams
FishyCat24: is this a game ur on
blksurferdude: Thank svay
blksurferdude: ur the best
blksurferdude: seriously
blksurferdude: I will give u the stuff, tomrrow
thesavvyguy9: Rob check your IMs
thesavvyguy9: does this game have a cast?
blksurferdude: Not yet
blksurferdude: I am trying to mae the site first
blksurferdude: then do casting and stuff Like that
thesavvyguy9: why New Zealand?
blksurferdude: i dont know u got nay thing better
FishyCat24: i like new zealand
blksurferdude: Thtas one of ym favorite countrys
thesavvyguy9: I like making intros... I duno New Zealand would be difficult
thesavvyguy9: but it's cool
Cards39: i'm gonna go to bed
Cards39: night
Cards39: ttyl


ecukid1983: blk is kinda bossy and thats probably who im voting for when we go to TC again but im probably the one with the target on my back.