Cards39 has entered the room.
PharaohTH has entered the room.
Ppenguin757 has entered the room.
PharaohTH: hi cards and penguin
Cards39: hey
Cards39: whats up?
PharaohTH: not much
PharaohTH: you?
blksurferdude has entered the room.
Gambluh2007 has entered the room.
lil evil BRIAN has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole has entered the room.
ecukid1983 has entered the room.
FishyCat24 has entered the room.
ecukid1983: yay pharaoh took my hand
ecukid1983: lol
RaveMaster4321 has entered the room.
ecukid1983: thank u
ecukid1983: lmao
PharaohTH: your welcome staton
PharaohTH: you're*
RaveMaster4321: hey guys
PharaohTH: hi rave
ecukid1983: u dont have to use correct english around me
RaveMaster4321: ok no ne touch my pillows or my tent
RaveMaster4321: lmao jk
PharaohTH: i just want to say good luck to all of you at tc tonight
RaveMaster4321: thanks
Cards39: thanks pharaoh
PharaohTH: tho you don't really need it
PharaohTH: since we got a quitter
RaveMaster4321: pharoah chill
lil evil BRIAN: SORRY
Ppenguin757: yeah gl
PharaohTH: ...what the hell, brian?
ecukid1983: are u king tut pharoah
blksurferdude: PHARAOH i AHVE A QUESTION hOW FAR DO YOU THink u gonna get in this
PharaohTH: further than you
PharaohTH: :-)
blksurferdude: u really think u can win
RaveMaster4321: *hides in tent*
blksurferdude: no
PharaohTH: and you know it staton, that's me
PharaohTH: at least i don't quit, and at least i can spell
blksurferdude: exactly
blksurferdude: I ahve to quit
PharaohTH: have*
blksurferdude: why am i gonna let a active go home
PharaohTH: an active*
blksurferdude: thanks I ahve my own spell check
blksurferdude: have*
Gambluh2007: I like mashed potatoes...
ecukid1983: goes up to cards. id like front row seats please
PharaohTH: cards. wjat
RaveMaster4321: ...
PharaohTH: what*
PharaohTH: is your favorite card game?
blksurferdude: Pharaoh= retard
Cards39: huh?
Gambluh2007: blk = Bi-Curiou
ecukid1983: i was talking about the wrestling match
blksurferdude: Your Point?
ecukid1983: whats wrong with bi ppl gamb
PharaohTH: mummies don't wrestle staton
Gambluh2007: just incase no one knew
ecukid1983: i like guys so whats the point
blksurferdude: i already told every1
RaveMaster4321: hey guys
RaveMaster4321: back off blk
blksurferdude: No I want them to
RaveMaster4321: no
RaveMaster4321: this is over
PharaohTH: No use beating a dead horse
RaveMaster4321: whatever pharoah
blksurferdude: Atleast I'm active
PharaohTH: I've been here all know, that week where koror won both
ecukid1983: i need a massage
PharaohTH: forgive me for having a life and a job
blksurferdude: and who's name was up for inactive rule at tc
RaveMaster4321: omg u both are acting like childern, now will you please stop it
blksurferdude: We have lives and jobs
Ppenguin757: blk ur 13 u dont have a job
PharaohTH: lmao penguin
ecukid1983: stop , collaborate and listen
blksurferdude: i AM 15 AND YES i DO
ecukid1983: wow everyone stopped
ecukid1983: lmao
ecukid1983: j/k
RaveMaster4321: lol
blksurferdude: And plus I play baseball i have acting singing lessons
Ppenguin757: what is it then?
blksurferdude: publix
blksurferdude: dont laugh
Ppenguin757: wtf is publix?
PharaohTH: it's a typo for public, Penguin
RaveMaster4321: ok im friends with all of guys might not like blk, but as a
friend will u guys please stop this arguing
Ppenguin757: oh
PharaohTH: I tried stopping, you all egged me on when i tried to stop
ecukid1983: i work the street corner does that count as a job
Ppenguin757: well i work at best buy so w/e
blksurferdude: lmao
PharaohTH: lmao staton
PharaohTH: you the man, staton
RaveMaster4321: pharoah no one was egging you on
ecukid1983: hey it pays the bills pharaoh
PharaohTH: i suppose that's true
blksurferdude: Stanton I ahve another audtion on saturday
ecukid1983: thats great
blksurferdude: I am so Happy de dandy
Ppenguin757: why would anyone waste their time acting?
RaveMaster4321: hey
RaveMaster4321: acting is awsome
blksurferdude: Why not
ecukid1983: if ur good at it why not
blksurferdude: Why not eb a singer
blksurferdude: be
blksurferdude: or a model
Ppenguin757: but barely anyone makes it
ecukid1983: everyone has there gift
blksurferdude: Thats not true
RaveMaster4321: its not
blksurferdude: if u want u will get it
RaveMaster4321: a matter of making it
RaveMaster4321: its a matter of having fun
RaveMaster4321: and enjoying your pasion in life
ecukid1983: oh i thought u said what i said wasnt true
RaveMaster4321: passion*
blksurferdude: Danny devito got turned down 73 times until he got his first job
blksurferdude: And he is one fo the best actors of all time
ecukid1983: if everyone gave up the first time on things they wanted. then theyed give up on life
blksurferdude: yes
blksurferdude: You have to have passion to do stuff
blksurferdude: and I have passion
ecukid1983: i have sex
blksurferdude: lMAO
ecukid1983: everyone night
ecukid1983: lmao
blksurferdude: u slut
ecukid1983: ok not really
ecukid1983: :-(
blksurferdude: :-P
ecukid1983: but i want sex everynight
ecukid1983: does that count
blksurferdude: Yeah ;-)
ecukid1983: ok great
Gambluh2007: anyone else wanna intervine on this conversation?
blksurferdude: Long ago
ecukid1983: what u mean gam
Gambluh2007: Hay Pharoh check out the racks on VH1
PharaohTH: lol, nice
blksurferdude: How mature
ecukid1983: well i wasnt acting mature either
Gambluh2007: speaking of mature, i want sex everynight
PharaohTH: lol
blksurferdude: Lol
ecukid1983: excuse me gam
ecukid1983: damn
blksurferdude: but thats better then hey look at the racks on vh1
ecukid1983: no they both are the same
ecukid1983: but still
blksurferdude: they are both inmature
PharaohTH: let's talk about basketball
blksurferdude: Pistons are gonna win
PharaohTH: yeah, probably
PharaohTH: they got game 7 experience
ecukid1983: go spurs
blksurferdude: The Spurs are a mess
PharaohTH: Duncan's reeling
ecukid1983: i hate pistons
PharaohTH: they can't win if he's in bad shape
PharaohTH: and he's not there mentally
blksurferdude: I hate the psitons to win they beat my lakers
blksurferdude: when*
blksurferdude: I put the wrong when
blksurferdude: i hate typing
blksurferdude: i seriously do
Ppenguin757: well, i g2g u guys
Ppenguin757: gl at TC bye :
PharaohTH: see ya penguin
Ppenguin757: :-)
ecukid1983: bye pengiun
blksurferdude: Later dude
ecukid1983: oh i was late
blksurferdude: I was way later then u
blksurferdude: Hey ecu check out those Abs on mtv
blksurferdude: J/k
blksurferdude: Hey guys look at thsi thingy
ecukid1983: what is it
blksurferdude: Gam took this test
blksurferdude: and itas so funny
blksurferdude: thr results came back to me
ecukid1983: um dont get it
blksurferdude: nvm
ecukid1983: zuper
PharaohTH: ttyl all
PharaohTH: gl tonight
PharaohTH: go pistons cuz i got money on them
FishyCat24: :-)
FishyCat24: and ulong is left
FishyCat24: in the room
FishyCat24: :-)
ecukid1983: haha yeah
FishyCat24: so was up guys
ecukid1983: not much
FishyCat24: i was reading
FishyCat24: the name of the room
FishyCat24: i cant belive is only day 12
ecukid1983: haha true
FishyCat24: i swear it feels like months
ecukid1983: yeah it does
FishyCat24: is it just me
FishyCat24: probably is
FishyCat24: guys coments really get to me
FishyCat24: islike he goes out of his way to make everyone aware we lost agani
ecukid1983: haha i can tell fishy
blksurferdude: Just Like jeff Probst
ecukid1983: yeah true
blksurferdude: Actually Jeff is worst
ecukid1983: eh sometimes
ecukid1983: hey dog
Dogdude84: hey everyone
ecukid1983: onlly koror here
blksurferdude: hey
Dogdude84: guy kind of explained what happened
Dogdude84: what was the challenge like?
ecukid1983: it was close
Dogdude84: brb attempting to prove i can lock our front door
ecukid1983: lol ok
ecukid1983: very hungry ttyl bye
Dogdude84: k i was kinda right, so i win
Dogdude84: lol
Dogdude84: anyway....
FishyCat24: :-)
Dogdude84: tell me about the challenge
FishyCat24: it was actually a fun
FishyCat24: i always bitch at the stupid challenges we get
FishyCat24: but i enjoyed it
Dogdude84: lol
RaveMaster4321: lol
FishyCat24: it was
FishyCat24: gettign letters and making words
FishyCat24: first to 3 won
FishyCat24: GUY would say a letter
Dogdude84: first to 3 words?
FishyCat24: yes
FishyCat24: we would try to claim the letter by typing it the fastest
Dogdude84: oh
FishyCat24: once we had 3 wrods
FishyCat24: we won
Dogdude84: cool
FishyCat24: well first we had to make up the word
Dogdude84: like he would type