ecukid1983 has entered the room.
RaveMaster4321 has entered the room.
FishyCat24 has entered the room.
lil evil BRIAN has entered the room.
Ppenguin757 has entered the room.
Gambluh2007 has entered the room.
JohnFatty has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole has entered the room.
Cards39 has entered the room.
ecukid1983: um great
RaveMaster4321: well then
RaveMaster4321: this is interesting
RaveMaster4321: hey koror dont discuss the decision here k
JohnFatty: i realize that.
RaveMaster4321: lol
RaveMaster4321: just saying
ecukid1983: well u can if u want
ecukid1983: lol
Ppenguin757: brb
ecukid1983: um ok
RaveMaster4321: im out guys tlk to u all later
Cards39: me too
Cards39: see ya guys
Dogdude84 has entered the room.
ecukid1983: im the only ulong left
Dogdude84: lol
ecukid1983: sits on log alone
Ppenguin757 has left the room.
JohnFatty has left the room.
Gambluh2007 has left the room.