Dogdude84: hi guys
Dogdude84: what are the tribe #s now?
PharaohTH: hey, everybody
PharaohTH: We got 7, they got 5.
Ppenguin757: hey
RaveMaster4321: hey guys and gals
ecukid1983: whats up
Dogdude84: are we at 7-5?
RaveMaster4321: yes dog
lil evil BRIAN: HEY
Dogdude84: ok
RaveMaster4321: lol nice
ecukid1983: haha ok
PharaohTH: How is everybody?
RaveMaster4321: at my house were blowing things up
FishyCat24: hello all
lil evil BRIAN: i desected it
RaveMaster4321: lol
Dogdude84: what you blowing up?
lil evil BRIAN: do you guys like burning stuff? :-)
ecukid1983: i do
RaveMaster4321: capris suns, cans of dog food like we put water in an empty can of dog
FishyCat24: rave how close are u to the shark attacks
RaveMaster4321: and put 4 firecrakcers in it
RaveMaster4321: and it flew like 20 feet
RaveMaster4321: shark attacks?
FishyCat24: um nevermind
RaveMaster4321: theres been shark attacks in daytona
RaveMaster4321: *awkard silence*
Dogdude84: lol
Dogdude84: im watching missy elliots new video
RaveMaster4321: out of control?
Dogdude84: i think that's the name, yes
RaveMaster4321: <3 love song
Dogdude84: i love her videos, so original
RaveMaster4321: yes
RaveMaster4321: their awsome
Dogdude84: OMG jurassic park 1 is on
Dogdude84: how awesome is that?
PharaohTH: that movie kicks ass
RaveMaster4321: hmm what channel
PharaohTH: the other two sucked
RaveMaster4321: yah
PharaohTH: but that was good
Dogdude84: USA channel
RaveMaster4321: kk
RaveMaster4321: *turnso n tv strts watching it*
Dogdude84: lol
Dogdude84: oh they're in the tree
Dogdude84: with the brachiosaur
RaveMaster4321: did blk quit?
RaveMaster4321: (random question)
Dogdude84: dunno
Dogdude84: *dino about to sneeze on girl*
PharaohTH: he's your tribe, we wouldn't know
RaveMaster4321: lol
RaveMaster4321: yah i know but jw if u heard ne thing from him
RaveMaster4321: lol
Dogdude84: lmao brian
PharaohTH: But I'm still here. ^_^
ecukid1983: king tut still lives
RaveMaster4321: LMAO
Dogdude84: sneeze
Dogdude84: yay
PharaohTH: lmao staton
RaveMaster4321: that prt is funny cam
Dogdude84: i know i love it
Dogdude84: i also like the crapper scene, and the *****! ****! ****!* scene
ecukid1983: hey who is missing from koror
Dogdude84: umm
RaveMaster4321: clear?
Dogdude84: iamalwaysthemole
RaveMaster4321: ohhh
Ppenguin757: umm
RaveMaster4321: whos missing
Dogdude84: is missing
Gambluh2007: iam
Ppenguin757: yeah iam
RaveMaster4321: lmao sorry
ecukid1983: i meant voted out
Gambluh2007: clear
RaveMaster4321: oh then i had it right
Ppenguin757: he must be...he mole
Dogdude84: clear got axed
RaveMaster4321: ouch....
FishyCat24: blk apparently left
Gambluh2007: not realyt
ecukid1983: wow shocking
FishyCat24: after saying he wasnt leaving town
Cards39: hey guys
Dogdude84: we weren't too sad to see clear go
RaveMaster4321: hey cards
Cards39: sorry i'm late
Dogdude84: hey cards
Ppenguin757: lol
FishyCat24: i havent seen him in days
Ppenguin757: hi cards
RaveMaster4321: i was sad to see clear go
RaveMaster4321: lol
Ppenguin757: yeah weher is blk?
ecukid1983: sup cards
Dogdude84: blk died
RaveMaster4321: i hope he quit
Dogdude84: i ate him
RaveMaster4321: yay
RaveMaster4321: ewwwwwwwwww
ecukid1983: thats mean lol
RaveMaster4321: spit him back on
Cards39: blk went on his cell earlier today and told me his
internet is down
FishyCat24: lol
Dogdude84: oh ok
FishyCat24: oh ok
PharaohTH: how very sad
RaveMaster4321: oh ok
Dogdude84: oh ok
RaveMaster4321: lol pharoah
ecukid1983: i see
RaveMaster4321: pharaoh*
ecukid1983: said the blind man
PharaohTH: lol
RaveMaster4321: oh lord staton what did u do now
RaveMaster4321: to make urself blind
Dogdude84: what walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at noon-day, and 3 legs in the
Ppenguin757: a human
RaveMaster4321: human?
Ppenguin757: wooo!
Dogdude84: yes, suppose you've all heard that one
Gambluh2007: a woman getting pounder doggy style?
Ppenguin757: LOL
RaveMaster4321: u put "a" in front of it
Ppenguin757: LMFAO
PharaohTH: lmao Gambluh
iamalwaysthemole: hello
RaveMaster4321: lmao gam
Dogdude84: hiya jaimes
ecukid1983: or me
RaveMaster4321: hey iam
ecukid1983: i could be getting pounded
PharaohTH: Hey iam
RaveMaster4321: um by a dog?
Dogdude84: treemail guys
RaveMaster4321: lol
Gambluh2007: thats, not cool ecu
RaveMaster4321: lol