FishyCat24: lol gam aint even here
RaveMaster4321: omg
FishyCat24: ok got to go pee
RaveMaster4321: its jut us 3
ecukid1983: ok cool
RaveMaster4321: hey gam
Gambluh2007: Hey
RaveMaster4321: how r u
Gambluh2007: good
Gambluh2007: saw the questions, dont think they stand a chance
RaveMaster4321: ya me either
RaveMaster4321: wait
RaveMaster4321: u mean the questions or the koror
Gambluh2007: koror
RaveMaster4321: oh haha yah
ecukid1983: u saw korors questions
RaveMaster4321: lol no
Gambluh2007: so yall know, if something should happen where they guess all of their questions right
and we have to go to TC
Gambluh2007: they have a tribal spy, so dont say nothing you dont want them to know
RaveMaster4321: ok
RaveMaster4321: thx for the info
Gambluh2007: We saw our Q's for them
RaveMaster4321: yeah
ecukid1983: oh yeah i knew that lol
Gambluh2007: so if we should go to TC tonight, your gonna see me as an Actor :-)
RaveMaster4321: im alredy an actor
Gambluh2007: Im a boxer :-)
RaveMaster4321: lol
RaveMaster4321: im actually
RaveMaster4321: a photographer
RaveMaster4321: but i act too
ecukid1983: combine boxing an acting and u get the contender
ecukid1983: lol
RaveMaster4321: lmao
ecukid1983: xactly
FishyCat24: :-)
RaveMaster4321: treemail...........
RaveMaster4321: omg literally
ecukid1983: haha ok
Gambluh2007: lets seee it