{Actual Date}-{July 11, 2005}
{Actual Day}-{43/89}

{KOROR}-{DAY 19}
Cards39: Fishy's strategy on Ulong worked well except it shows Koror that he cant be trusted. I trust him more than the people on Koror but that doesnt matter because theres 4 original Ulongs and 6 original Korors. So right now Fishy is definately on the choppping block according to Penguin...but yet he has like no power lol. My goal right now is to get me, Fishy, Ecu and Blk to the final 8 and then vote whoever has the most past votes which may turn out to be Pharaoh. The problem is I have no idea how I'm gonna be able to pull that off right now. Pharaoh thinks he has control of me, so what I've been doing is telling him all the stuff that would help me out (like saying Ulong loves Dog, I'm not sure if thats true or not but its working because they want him gone now lol). I can see Dog winning this thing and I dont want that to happen. So if everything goes my way, John and Dog gets 9th and 10th place. I guess we'll see what will happen because alliances are gonna get broken and new ones will be made very soon. So I'm playing 3 sides now...really only 2 cuz I'm not sure about John. I let Fishy know the I'm playing Penguin and John, I let Penguin know that I'm playing Ulong, and John just thinks I'm in with him to vote Penguin out. I really think the smartest move is for me, ecu and fishy to side with Penguin, Pharaoh and "Lil". And I'm also hoping Blk is active and sticks with the original Ulong. I'll either be in the final 4 or voted out soon lol
PharaohTH1: *smirks* Hello there, Mr. Case.
Cards39: …
PharaohTH1: (Ecu) also mentioned that people have been saying that I'm somebody in it.
Cards39: I think you are too
Cards39: what can I say, he seems to talk and strategize like you
PharaohTH1: *smirks* Yes, but do you really think I'd spell the word "Pharoah" wrong?
Cards39: maybe
PharaohTH1: If you keep quiet about your suspicions, then I'll keep quiet about knowing who you are.
PharaohTH1: And we'll carry on as we were planning.
Cards39: my suspicions?
Cards39: it is you?
PharaohTH1: Who else would have the skill to idle for three straight weeks and still beat Clear?
PharaohTH1: And that horrid Boodu fellow, too.
Cards39: My plans are probably ruined. Someone has figured out who Cards39 is and I'm not particularly happy about it. I only told Buffy, Ecu and Clear that I am Case. Ugh. Well anyways, I'm sure you probably know who figured it out . I was able to hide my identity up until when rave got voted out. If I'm in the final 2 again this time with Ty being on the jury, it'll be another ols8 again ARGH! I plan on sticking with him just to take dog and john out and stuff but will I be able to pull one over on the almighty PrinceTy01? or will I just hope he pulls me along like he did in ols8? I guess we'll see.
PharaohTH1: Have you kept quiet about my little secret, Mr. Case?
PharaohTH1: Very good then.
Cards39: unless you told somebody else
PharaohTH1: No, I only mentioned it to you.
Cards39: so you've kept quiet about who i am, right?
PharaohTH1: Your secret stays as such as long as mine does, too.
Cards39: alright
Cards39: i forgot to ask you, why are you using an alias?
PharaohTH1: Do you really think I'd be welcomed back. After all, The Prince is probably the series' best known scoundrel.
PharaohTH1: ...The real question is why in the name of God you had to hide, considering your reputation doesn't really strike such...worry, I guess, as mine does.
Cards39: i could've went without using an alias
Cards39: but if i used my Case sn, Penguin would never have allied with me
PharaohTH1: Why does Penguin dislike you so much?
PharaohTH1: ...I can't see how you could have possibly offended him, you dont' talk enough to step on peoples' toes.
PharaohTH1: ...It just doesn't make sense.
Cards39: no but we never trusted each other
Cards39: i just wanted to at least make jury this time
Cards39: instead of getting 10th place like last time
Cards39: and using an alias would guarentee it
Cards39: unless you do something
PharaohTH1: And why would I do something?
PharaohTH1: Getting rid of you would **** myself.
Cards39: I suppose
PharaohTH1: I hate Penguin too much to stick it out all the way with him. And the others already have **** established.
PharaohTH1: So fear not, Mr. Prince will keep his word to you.
Cards39: and john might be trying to be a puppetmaster too
PharaohTH1: Oh, he is.
Cards39: hes trying to get ulong
PharaohTH1: Hmmm.
PharaohTH1: Maybe he should go instead of Dog, then.
PharaohTH1: I dunno, it's a tossup there.
PharaohTH1: Make a more concrete deal with him.
PharaohTH1: Offer him final 2 if you have to.
PharaohTH1: I'll do the rest.
Cards39: well whats "the rest"?
PharaohTH1: Make the long-term deal to trump John's offer.
PharaohTH1: That way your hands can be clean of the dirty work we have to do.
PharaohTH1: After all, it wouldn't be you breaking that deal, it'd be me.
PharaohTH1: So technically your conscience would be clean.
PharaohTH1: I could arrange for him to go without your vote.
PharaohTH1: I've done such things before in other games.
Cards39: so what exactly am i suppose to say to fishy? just offer a final 2 deal and convince him not to go with john?
PharaohTH1: Tell him Pharaoh has a plan to keep him safe long-term.
PharaohTH1: And that he should talk to me.
PharaohTH1: If he acts suspcious, point out the fact that, on the surface, I'm a far less...intimidating figure than John.
PharaohTH1: With my work schedule impeding my standing amongst everyone a tad.
Cards39: and what exactly is this plan to keep him safe?
PharaohTH1: I'll offer him a final 4 with him, Staton, you, and me.
PharaohTH1: He'll like it, because it's 3 ulongs to 1 koror.
PharaohTH1: And because John won't make such a nice offer.
PharaohTH1: John will make him a one or two round deal until after Penguin's gone
PharaohTH1: Is Dog still more of a threat than John, you think?
PharaohTH1: You know Ulong, so we'll go with your judgment on this.
Cards39: well right now they want john out more than dog
Cards39: they dont seem to like john as much
Cards39: because if dog goes, they'll vote john out
Cards39: the only reason they're thinking about voting with john is because he wants penguin out
PharaohTH1: If so, that means we keep him and dump Dog.
PharaohTH1: We wanna be the only good choice for them.
PharaohTH1: You're learning well. Glad that Buffy didn't totally butcher your mind.
Cards39: how would he butcher my mind?
PharaohTH1: He's just a second rate puppetmaster, that's all.
Cards39: well i dont play like him
PharaohTH1: Then again, neither do I.
Cards39: i dont like to use people or make a deal with someone and then vote them out
PharaohTH1: He needs a lot of luck.
PharaohTH1: I make my own luck.
PharaohTH1: Make a deal with Fishy, tell him he should talk to Pharaoh.
PharaohTH1: If you don't want to make the deal, I will.
Cards39: I will
PharaohTH1: Excellent.
Cards39: I guess
PharaohTH1: You have a habit of always adding a last word to a discussion which makes it sound like you doubt everything.
PharaohTH1: ...Stop doing that.
PharaohTH1: That's part of how I figured out who you were.
Cards39: well thats just a part of how i am
Cards39: just like i suspected it was you when you talked to me about future plans
PharaohTH1: I'm just saying, if Penguin grows half a mind
PharaohTH1: He could piece that together.
PharaohTH1: He has no real dealings with me, but he knows enough about you.
PharaohTH1: If he comes to me saying he knows anything, the **** will hit the fan.
PharaohTH1: I'd say you'd have to be wary of Brian, too...but he's an idiot.
PharaohTH1: Dog, then John, then Penguin....
PharaohTH1: After that, we'd have you, me, "Brian", Ecu, Fishy, Iam, Blk
PharaohTH1: You/me/Ecu/"Brian" dump Blk that round.
PharaohTH1: Maybe with Fishy, dunno.
PharaohTH1: Following round: Iam, backed into a corner, votes with you, me, and "Brian" to boot Fishy.
PharaohTH1: Him and Staton need to be broken up at some point, that's the time to do it I'd think.
PharaohTH1: Then Iam goes easily at final 5.
PharaohTH1: Depending on what Staton does, he either goes final 4 (if he tries to vote with Iam), or final 3 (if he votes with us)
PharaohTH1: And then we make it to the end.
PharaohTH1: And reveal that I'm Prince and you're Case.
PharaohTH1: And let them feel like dumbasses for not figuring it out.
Cards39: Right now I need to let Prince think that I'm a zombie and agree and do whatever he says. The only reason I'm doing this is because I want Penguin gone. I could go with John and Dog and vote Penguin out next but that would still leave Dog and John...and Prince. So if that happened, Prince will like flip out saying "That wasnt a smart move on your part, my friend. We've got a lot of work to do this week because of your mistake." So I plan on taking Dog and John out this week and next week. Then at final 8, this is what I've been waiting for, Penguin goes. That is the main reason I'm sticking with Prince until final 8. Then final 7 leaves the original 4 Ulong with majority. The only problem is ecu...I'm not sure if its "ecu" or the real ecu. If not, I'll talk to Iam and help him out. And I would like to see Prince be voted out at final 7 because I would like to screw him over before he screws me over. He then tells everybody that I'm Case, big woop. So that leaves me, Fishy, Ecu/"Ecu", Blk, Iam and "Brian". So if Prince goes at final 7, "Brian" will want some revenge. But at that point, I'm hoping ecu shows up to a TC and votes with me, Fishy and Ecu to take out "Brian". Final 5: Me, Blk and Fishy take out Iam. Final 4: Either Ecu or Blk will go. Then final 3 is me, Fishy and the other one. Sounds too perfect which means something will go wrong. But even if it works out that way, it will be another OLS8 all over again. A certain somebody will have at least 2 votes at the final TC, possibly 3 again...I think you know who I'm talking about :/ lol
PharaohTH1: hey all
Dogdude84: hullo
iamalwaysthemole: hello
PharaohTH1: how is everybody?
iamalwaysthemole: good
Cards39: hey
PharaohTH1: hey cards and john
Ppenguin757: nineteendo
PharaohTH1: heh
Ppenguin757: would they be the makers of nineteendo 75?
PharaohTH1: everybody's here, i think
Ppenguin757: that was horrible >_>
Dogdude84: hey guys
Ppenguin757: nop
Ppenguin757: brian isnt
Ppenguin757: lol
iamalwaysthemole: brian
Dogdude84: missin brian
Dogdude84: but he's on vacation
Dogdude84: lol
iamalwaysthemole: talk about a nice reward
JohnFatty: what's up boys?
Dogdude84: which one, the preview?
PharaohTH1: not much john, you?
JohnFatty: not much. very tired.
iamalwaysthemole: no, I was referring to Brian dog
PharaohTH1: lol iam
Ppenguin757: and his vaca
PharaohTH1: gotta love brian and his crazy, ALL CAP TYPING
Dogdude84: ohhhhhhhh
Dogdude84: gotcha
PharaohTH1: WOOOOO
Ppenguin757: lol
iamalwaysthemole: so, I guess we should use tc spy?
Ppenguin757: thtas bttre then blk and hs tiping issuezs
Dogdude84: lmao
Cards39: lol
Dogdude84: well rave went
Ppenguin757: i know
Ppenguin757: i thought that was funny
Dogdude84: so maybe it's worth it to see that chat?
Dogdude84: of the tc
Ppenguin757: i would say so
iamalwaysthemole: we can pick any of ulong's tc
Dogdude84: lets use it cuz we'll merge soon
Ppenguin757: i think the last one
Cards39: so which one?
Dogdude84: this most recent one
Ppenguin757: tribal council #...
Ppenguin757: ummm
Cards39: ok
Ppenguin757: 10 :-)
Dogdude84: 10 yup
Dogdude84: 10 players left
Ppenguin757: OMG HALFWAY!
PharaohTH1: woo
JohnFatty: i know. nice job.
Dogdude84: everyone spastically IM GUY with our want to use the spy
iamalwaysthemole: I'm going to boil some water for us
Ppenguin757: Survivor Guy 886 [6:08 PM]: Why do you guys always pick the day I
don't have time for this to use stuff? lol
Dogdude84: hahaha
PharaohTH1: lol
PharaohTH1: we
PharaohTH1: always fight the power
PharaohTH1: gotta rebel against the man
Dogdude84: indeed
Ppenguin757: lol
Dogdude84: ::rages against the machine::
PharaohTH1: lol
Dogdude84: stupid machine...
Cards39: treemail
Dogdude84: woot
PharaohTH1: Guy wrote poems.
PharaohTH1: oh, lol
Dogdude84: ooh fun
Ppenguin757: OOOH
Ppenguin757: so...
PharaohTH1: Ulong secret: Blk is illiterate.
Ppenguin757: not mergy
Ppenguin757: LOL
Cards39: lol
Dogdude84: no merge yet...reward
Dogdude84: lol
Dogdude84: wonder if we'll win?
PharaohTH1: we won't merge until next week
PharaohTH1: palau merged at 9
Dogdude84: ooh, let's take ulong to 2
PharaohTH1: not to mention guy said the exact same thing that probst said to
steph and bobby jon in this tc log
PharaohTH1: "still believe in your tribe, blahblahblah"
Dogdude84: lol
PharaohTH1: so they're going to tc again
Ppenguin757: lol
Ppenguin757: *gasp*
Ppenguin757: flips through OLS episodes
Dogdude84: haha
Ppenguin757: i cant find it :-(
Dogdude84: sooooo do we get the log of tc 10?
Dogdude84: how many ppl Imed
PharaohTH1: he sent it in an email
Dogdude84: oh
Dogdude84: ok, hotness
PharaohTH1: thus how i knew what he said to ulong
PharaohTH1: >_>
Dogdude84: lol ok
Dogdude84: *smacks forehead*
PharaohTH1: lol
Dogdude84: my email's bein slow
Ppenguin757: lol
Dogdude84: slow email sucks my left nut
Dogdude84: omg someone just got really lucky on wheel of fortune
Dogdude84: M _ T _ / _ _ _ _
Dogdude84: try to solve that
Dogdude84: category:person
JohnFatty: MATH WHIZ?
Dogdude84: yeah
Dogdude84: lol
Dogdude84: i was so shocked she got it
PharaohTH1: lol
JohnFatty: are you shocked I got it?
JohnFatty: haah
Dogdude84: well, i dunno
Dogdude84: lol
Dogdude84: just i had no idea
PharaohTH1: he probably saw it on tv <_<
Dogdude84: and she shocked the host too
Ppenguin757: lol
PharaohTH1: what did vanna say?
JohnFatty: haha. i didn't honestly.
PharaohTH1: was she also shocked?
Dogdude84: vanna just clapped
Dogdude84: like she always does
PharaohTH1: lol, there's a shock
Dogdude84: OMG
Ppenguin757: LMFAO
Dogdude84: hahahah
PharaohTH1: lol
Ppenguin757: Vanna always claps
Ppenguin757: lol
Cards39: lol
Ppenguin757: when is this supposed to start?
Dogdude84: in........ 8 light years
Ppenguin757: lol
Ppenguin757: lol
Ppenguin757: lol
Dogdude84: haha
PharaohTH1: omg yes
Dogdude84 has left the room.
Cards39 has left the room.
JohnFatty has left the room.
PharaohTH1 has left the room.
Ppenguin757 has left the room.
iamalwaysthemole has left the room.