Ppenguin757: OMG :-)
Dogdude84: wheeeeeeeee
PharaohTH1: hey all
Dogdude84: hey
Cards39: hey
PharaohTH1: if i leave unexpectedly, it's cuz there's a big storm here right now
JohnFatty: hello boys.
Ppenguin757: kk
PharaohTH1: and my power might go out
Ppenguin757: OMG DENNIS
iamalwaysthemole: brian is missing again
Ppenguin757: ?
PharaohTH1: you must be ever so sad, iam
JohnFatty: vacation right?
Dogdude84: yeah
PharaohTH1: when is he coming back?
Ppenguin757: ummm
Ppenguin757: well i think he went to florida lol
Ppenguin757: if i recall either destin or pensacola
PharaohTH1: Ah.
Dogdude84: don't think he'll be back for a whiel
iamalwaysthemole: he said he would have internet access
Dogdude84: oh he did?
Dogdude84: weird
Ppenguin757: I don't think he will thanks to Dennis
Dogdude84: who's dennis
Cards39: lol
Ppenguin757: Hurricane Dennis :-)
Dogdude84: oh
Dogdude84: lmao
iamalwaysthemole: has anybody died in Hurricane Dennis?
PharaohTH1: maybe brian <_<
Ppenguin757: i dunno
Ppenguin757: LOL
Dogdude84: brian, oh dear
Dogdude84: lol
PharaohTH1: lol'
Dogdude84: let's hope he's ok
PharaohTH1: yes
Dogdude84: he's smart...plays survivor. he'll umm...survive it
PharaohTH1: yay, the wind is dying down a bit
PharaohTH1: lol
iamalwaysthemole: our one minute of internet silence for brian
Dogdude84: i can't believe everyone did that
Cards39: lol
Ppenguin757: lol
Dogdude84: yargh, my neck gets burninated every day
PharaohTH1: burninated? lol
Dogdude84: homestar reference
iamalwaysthemole: Emily is rolling through the carribean now
FishyCat24 has entered the room.
ecukid1983 has entered the room.
blksurferdude has entered the room.
blksurferdude: Hey every1
Dogdude84: hey
Cards39: hi
iamalwaysthemole: hello
PharaohTH1: Ok, what did we do to piss Guy off?
Dogdude84: so we ARE merging
PharaohTH1: I mean, hi.
blksurferdude: yes
Dogdude84: hey blk
Ppenguin757: OH HE TOLD ME :-)
Ppenguin757: Survivor Guy 886 [6:03 PM]: not ready...I had everything set up and
my mother signed me off without asking me, erasing everything
Ppenguin757: thats sad :-(
Dogdude84: aww sad
Cards39: :-(
blksurferdude: :'(
Dogdude84: i totally want some oxiclean
PharaohTH1: hey guys
Ppenguin757: OMG OXICLEAN
ecukid1983: whats up
JohnFatty: oh god, we merged?
Ppenguin757: IS
Dogdude84: hey ecu and fishy
FishyCat24: hello
Ppenguin757: EVER.
Cards39: Hi
blksurferdude: hey fishy
Dogdude84: i'm watching an infomercial on it
ecukid1983: hey all
Dogdude84: omg 2 super scrubbers at no additional charge
blksurferdude: lol
Ppenguin757: OMG
blksurferdude: exciting
Ppenguin757: do you get kaboom with it too?
Dogdude84: no
Ppenguin757: lol
Dogdude84: does anyone do gsn online?
PharaohTH1: i used to
blksurferdude: i do!!
Ppenguin757: i did
blksurferdude: i have no life
Dogdude84: lol
PharaohTH1: which game you doing dog?
Dogdude84: i've done it a few times
Dogdude84: greed is on right now, but i'm not doing it
PharaohTH1: ah
PharaohTH1: i liked that show
blksurferdude: have u guy every played family fued on uproaR
Cards39: yea
Dogdude84: feud is fun
blksurferdude: I love that game, i swear the have crackheads anwsering questions
ecukid1983: greed is fun
blksurferdude: i love that game
iamalwaysthemole: I wonder if immunity is today or tomorrow.....
Ppenguin757: OMG
Ppenguin757: MAYBE
Ppenguin757: TODAY
Ppenguin757: =
Ppenguin757: SP-REWARD
Ppenguin757: even though that requires no preparation
blksurferdude: maybe or
Dogdude84: we had one on monday
blksurferdude: yeah
Ppenguin757: no, we had reward on monday
iamalwaysthemole: no
blksurferdude: it could be
Ppenguin757: SP-Reward
blksurferdude: immunity
Ppenguin757: is different
iamalwaysthemole: exactly
Ppenguin757: but like i said that requires no preparation
Ppenguin757: we get a message that says [SP-Reward]
Ppenguin757: and we host ourselves lol
Dogdude84: *shrug*
blksurferdude: I only hAVE LIKE 10 SP LOL
iamalwaysthemole: it does require for us to think of a challenge
ecukid1983: u have more then me blk
ecukid1983: lol
PharaohTH1: lol
PharaohTH1: yes, he does
blksurferdude: I doubt it
blksurferdude: oh i do lol
ecukid1983: well thanks pharaoh
PharaohTH1: yes, you do
ecukid1983: :-(
Dogdude84: we know your guys' SP totals O:-)
PharaohTH1: that reward was useful
Ppenguin757: omg one time, we actually took the entire hour to do the SP
blksurferdude: we know urs
PharaohTH1: =)
ecukid1983: pharoah doesnt like me
Ppenguin757: it was super complicated
Dogdude84: lol
Dogdude84: why'd you make a hard challenge?
iamalwaysthemole: did you get the penalty penguin?
Ppenguin757: nop
Ppenguin757: we finished right before
iamalwaysthemole: or was it someone else leading?
Ppenguin757: lol
Ppenguin757: sky did the whole story thing
Ppenguin757: and set up like questions
Ppenguin757: and had us unscramble the word
blksurferdude: i hated that gam
blksurferdude: game*
Ppenguin757: u werent OLS 9
Cards39: lol
blksurferdude: i am talking about the other unscrammble game b4 rave was voted out
blksurferdude: where u had to mov the letters
Dogdude84: ...and he was talking about ols 9
blksurferdude: *hides*
Ppenguin757: not that
Dogdude84: lol
Ppenguin757: lol
iamalwaysthemole: I can't believe that we haven't had one sp-reward challenge, ols 9 was filled with
blksurferdude: oh
blksurferdude: we might
Ppenguin757: we have 5 in the whole game
iamalwaysthemole: yeah
Ppenguin757: OMG
Ppenguin757: OMG
Ppenguin757: OMG
Dogdude84: read it
iamalwaysthemole: this is the most talkative any of us have been in a loooong time