FishyCat24: hello all
PharaohTH1: hey all
Cards39: hey guys
PharaohTH1: how is everybody?
Dogdude84: hey all
Dogdude84: good
iamalwaysthemole: only 5 of us?
PharaohTH1: It seems so.
PharaohTH1: I think Penguin's still in isolation for now
Dogdude84: yeah
iamalwaysthemole: oh, right
Dogdude84: and ecu
PharaohTH1: who *amazingly* is not here
Dogdude84: lol
Dogdude84: right
PharaohTH1: so i saw wedding crashers this weekend
PharaohTH1: funny movie
Dogdude84: very funny
PharaohTH1: christopher walken is the man, and wilson and vaughn are always good too
iamalwaysthemole: treemail
Dogdude84: k