Talk about being humbled...this experience was a blast. To whoever voted me, awesome job. You completely outsmarted me. I had my plans for the finals set, but I counted my chickens before they hatched. I can honestly say that I have no regrets for what I did, and if I went back, I would play the same game. I played honestly, I rarely lied, and I walk away with integrity. I'm really disappointed, but I'm really proud of myself that I made it this far. Judging on how this game has been played, the road ahead is going to be really bumpy, so I wish the best of luck to the final 6.

Well well well....Penguin, you have seemed over confident since the beginning that you'll be in the final 2. Me and Fishy saved you 2 tribal councils ago when John got voted out. You voted Fishy out, so I guess its only fair to vote you out. Theres a rumor going around that you want me gone, so I guess we'll see tonight who the one going is. Its taken 14 TCs to say this...My vote tonight is to finally get Penguin out.
i think this is my smartest move to give me any chance of winning an ic in the future if i dont go tonight
final 4 alliance is getting rid of cards.
I could very well be going home tonight. Dog has already pronounced me gone from the game to my face. At first I thought he swung Iam, but apparently he tried to swing Brian by telling him that Pharaoh voted me. Pharaoh could have screwed me over. If he did, we he outsmarted me. If he didn't, I trust him all the more. This is the only vote that has any chance of saving my butt...and if it does, game on Dog, game on.
lil evil BRIAN
I dont know you that well to keep you around. It's also part of my plan.
Tonight, it is time for you to go, my friend. You have been plotting to get me out of this game ever since you discovered my alliance with John. John was voted out, so now, you have to go. You are also a threat in challenges, so please take this as somewhat of a compliment.
....Oh, such a toughy. Tonight, I can either vote for Case, who, let's face it, sucks at these games if left to his own devices...or Penguin, who is a Buffy wannabe. Suffice to say, they both suck. And since Brian voted Cards, it's ALL UP TO ME. As usual, The Prince decides.....so, tonight, I'm going to take out the figurehead. Because with Cards getting 3 past votes, and having less SP than I do, he's of no threat to me from here on out. Tonight, the Prince says....off with Ppenguin757's head!
*Absent members automatically vote for themselves