{Actual Date}-{August 25, 2005}
{Actual Day}-{88/89}


PharaohTH1 has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole has entered the room.
ecukid1983 has entered the room.


PharaohTH1: Sucks.
iamalwaysthemole: I never saw you for a minute khold, all I heard is about what happened at tc 1


PharaohTH1: He once gave up his life in the game for 5 sp.
PharaohTH1: Tells you something about Khold.
PharaohTH1: Hacker.
iamalwaysthemole: I wish I could've saved you mat, sorry you weren't immune
PharaohTH1: You and Mat are buddies?
iamalwaysthemole: friends from ols9
iamalwaysthemole: he was the only one who didn't vote for me
PharaohTH1: Ah, I see.


PharaohTH1: He probably could relate to the whole "annoying strategy"
PharaohTH1: Dampe.....is retarded.
iamalwaysthemole: dampe, you...er, well next


PharaohTH1: Who would've thought that Superfan wouldn't be the powerhouse of OLS10 that he was in OLS9?
PharaohTH1: Surely not I.
iamalwaysthemole: mmx, one day we'll have a quick draw rematch....one day....and maybe next game you'll make it to merge. Good luck young one


PharaohTH1: You leaving meant Clear lasted longer.
PharaohTH1: For that, most of Koror will always hate you.
iamalwaysthemole: whale, the challenge you were paired with gam was the most memorable one in early tribe format
iamalwaysthemole: you were the most unaware survivor ever whale
iamalwaysthemole: remember the 40 minute round of trivia he was in?
PharaohTH1: I don't think we've gotten to the most "unaware survivor" ever yet. He's a few more spaces left.


iamalwaysthemole: pa, I don't think I talked to you all game. at least you won individual immunity
PharaohTH1: Ummm.....
PharaohTH1: Next.


PharaohTH1: He was...savvy.
iamalwaysthemole: savvy, both games we were on different tribes...and both games we haven't directly spoken lol


PharaohTH1: ....So, apparently The Prince, the most evil low-down bastard in OLS history...is less of a threat than a gay guy who loves the Care Bears.
PharaohTH1: Brilliant, gentlemen. Brilliant.
iamalwaysthemole: clear, that night was much more complicated than you think....the day when prince was saved
iamalwaysthemole: penguin really saved you that night prince
PharaohTH1: Heh....
PharaohTH1: "Is everybody gonna vote Pharaoh?"
iamalwaysthemole: he was going to vote no for the attendance rule again
iamalwaysthemole: john would've shot clear and penguin if he didn't do it
iamalwaysthemole: he would've exploded with anger again and would've quit for sure
PharaohTH1: I'm sure he would've just waited another round and booted Clear.
PharaohTH1: It all worked out well enough, though.


PharaohTH1: I beat Bood again.
PharaohTH1: Hahaha.
iamalwaysthemole: another one of john's motion for more power
iamalwaysthemole: the day when fab five alliance was broken
iamalwaysthemole: that turned this game around
PharaohTH1: Who all was in the Fab 5?
iamalwaysthemole: dog, myself, brian, john, and gam
PharaohTH1: Uh....Brian was with Penguin.
iamalwaysthemole: I was on the outskirts helping penguin though
iamalwaysthemole: he wanted an ols returners alliance
PharaohTH1: Brian voted with Penguin to get rid of me when Clear went.
PharaohTH1: So...I have no idea why John thought Brian was with him.
iamalwaysthemole: yeah, I know


PharaohTH1: He didn't like Blk, which made him ok.
PharaohTH1: But still, he was weak.
iamalwaysthemole: rave...we shared the jokes we once claimed
iamalwaysthemole: john thought we were all faithful
PharaohTH1: John thought he had me, too.


iamalwaysthemole: blk, I wish I could've given you a jury spot
PharaohTH1: So we colud see mroe fo tihs
PharaohTH1: ?
iamalwaysthemole: sorry about the whole mini survivor thing
iamalwaysthemole: I still don't understand one thing.....
iamalwaysthemole: when we picked tribes blk, I was first and chose koror, and immediately he wanted to be on ulong and we talked a lot
iamalwaysthemole: ...the night before


PharaohTH1: I didn't vote John out.
PharaohTH1: But his going paved the way for my "make everybody out to be a Prince-like threat" strategy that got me here.
iamalwaysthemole: john, you made one big mistake..your alliance wasn't tight, if you kept gam you would've made final four most likely. only three votes took him out, and it wasn't even an alliance
PharaohTH1: It kind of was.
PharaohTH1: Penguin originally was thinking you were with John.
PharaohTH1: And planned on using the Ulongs and myself to take you all out.
iamalwaysthemole: we got close
iamalwaysthemole: but penguin knew that I'd never be faithful with jonh
iamalwaysthemole: I tried to swing him a vote when clear went
iamalwaysthemole: so the past votes would pile up
PharaohTH1: ...Not that you needed to.


PharaohTH1: I can sum up Fishy in one expression.....
PharaohTH1: "Waaah!"
iamalwaysthemole: fish, I can't believe you made it that far
PharaohTH1: He made it that far because he could spell.
PharaohTH1: *smirks*
iamalwaysthemole: we talked a lot the first two days, and that was about it


PharaohTH1: He thought I was a pawn.
PharaohTH1: That being said, I had more planned for him.
iamalwaysthemole: you weren't supposed to go that night
iamalwaysthemole: you should've been here with us
iamalwaysthemole: were you the fourth vote pharoah?
PharaohTH1: No, Brian was.
iamalwaysthemole: penguin, you should've been less unbeatable


iamalwaysthemole: dog, john's companion. you were cool and all, but you screwed up by becoming the new penguin
PharaohTH1: Dog messed up by losing to Cards.
PharaohTH1: He was cool, though.
PharaohTH1: I never had a problem with Dog, he was always respectful, even when I was on the outskirts.
iamalwaysthemole: yeah, I liked him too


PharaohTH1: OLS10's version of DJPeej.
PharaohTH1: ...Though, I actually voted DJ out.
PharaohTH1: Brian just kinda died.
iamalwaysthemole: brian, you're tc attendance dragged you far
iamalwaysthemole: you shouldnt've signed up for ols10 if you were going on a vacation for a month


iamalwaysthemole: case, very good friend of mine
iamalwaysthemole: we knew who each other was case, sorry I had to kick you off....now we're even from ols9 lol
PharaohTH1: Case.....didn't need an alias.
PharaohTH1: Case is Buffy's bitch.
PharaohTH1: That's all I have to say about that.
iamalwaysthemole: I don't think so, he would've kicked off buffy last game
iamalwaysthemole: he wanted to kick him off instead of hill
PharaohTH1: Heh, no he wouldn't have. Buffy is his spiritual guidance.
PharaohTH1: He may say things, but him and Buffy are bffs.
iamalwaysthemole: next?
iamalwaysthemole: lol
PharaohTH1: Heh.
PharaohTH1 has left the room.
iamalwaysthemole has left the room.
ecukid1983 has left the room.