||Actual Day: 12/89||
||Actual Date: February 03, 2006||


||bananacherrypie Voting||

bananacherrypie7: [xunk] Dynastydog isn't voting xunk! I can't frame him by saying "mmx/xunk! Oh well, game will be gone next week because he's starting to become like me in ols9. I'm sure he is nice, but I'm offended when he says that I am "splitting up my vote." This is very weird going to tc twice let alone going on day 3. I hate being on the "Ulong" end of things.

||dynasty1001 Voting||

dynasty1001: [AAA] still not sure who I really want to vote for...I know both guys up on the block tonight are under an alias and one of them is somebody who has helped me so much in the past. I can't pick between them by myself, but looking forward in this game, I feel that my position will be better if Ty finds out about yosh now and I don't have to cover for him anymore...sorry buddy, but I couldn't save you, not this time...

||Game2Shark5 Voting||

||RaveMaster4321 Voting||

RaveMaster4321: [xunk] remember to stay active

||Xunk Dahs Voting||

Xunk Dahs: [AAA] Why did I vote AAA you ask? It's not superfan's time to go.

||Akkadian1 Voting||

Akkadian1: [XUNK] no reason just um no reason

Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES