||Actual Day: 23/89||
||Actual Date: February 14, 2006||

||YAXHÁ - DAY 10||

dynasty1001 has entered the room.
I am Dracula 72: hey lol
dynasty1001: sweet
dynasty1001: lol
spillkisses: GILMORE GIRLS
dynasty1001: no more pretending not to be me
spillkisses: I can talk now
dynasty1001: lol
spillkisses: yes
spillkisses: same.
dynasty1001: thats all I care about now
dynasty1001: lol
I am Dracula 72: Yes.
dynasty1001: even though I was never even really pretending that much
dynasty1001: lol
spillkisses: ty pretended to be me.
spillkisses: i pretended to be case.
spillkisses: it was murder.
dynasty1001: funny how all the alias people got thrown together here
I am Dracula 72: Not that I'm about to stop that charade.
dynasty1001: lol
spillkisses: oh yea if anyone thinks i am an alias
spillkisses: let them think case
dynasty1001: lol, ok
spillkisses: if case is in game and revealed
I am Dracula 72: Durf is with us.
spillkisses: let them think elec
dynasty1001: so did you talk to banana much?
spillkisses: apparently he is banana?
dynasty1001: huh?
dynasty1001: lol
dynasty1001: I always thought he was case
dynasty1001: I think case is in here somewhere
dynasty1001: just don't know where
I am Dracula 72: Case was somebody on your tribe.
I am Dracula 72: Because somebody voted with Buffy the first week.
dynasty1001: yeah
spillkisses: my father brought home dinner
spillkisses: y'all enj0i
dynasty1001: banana voted with I think
dynasty1001: wasn't rave
dynasty1001: maybe akka?
I am Dracula 72: Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
dynasty1001: akka could be becuase akka rarely talks
I am Dracula 72: Maybe. I think Akka is actually that retarded blksurferdude from OLS10.
I am Dracula 72: Because he types so horribly.
I am Dracula 72: It's not even funny.
dynasty1001: lol
spillkisses: okay bbl
I am Dracula 72: Yeah, ttyl guys.
dynasty1001: bye bye

||Private Conversation: Dracula & Durf||

I am Dracula 72: penguin's on nakum now with fear
I am Dracula 72: and we got dynasty and gameshark
I am Dracula 72: how that happened i dont know
I am Dracula 72: i hope dynasty is nearly as good as penguin is
I am Dracula 72: so we keep winning
I am Dracula 72: not sure tho
I am Dracula 72: dynasty seems nice
I am Dracula 72: gameshark wasnt there today
I am Dracula 72: i think spill just didnt want fear on the tribe
I am Dracula 72: fear was starting **** all day today
Durfee2007: Like what?
I am Dracula 72: well he was trying to tell people in the chat that penguin was talking about them
I am Dracula 72: just making it up apparently
I am Dracula 72: but i dunno
I am Dracula 72: seemed odd
I am Dracula 72: but the two we got are nice i think
I am Dracula 72: seem nice
I am Dracula 72: i know dynasty talks
Durfee2007: That's good.
Durfee2007: I'd rather have the people that are nice and talkative.
I am Dracula 72: im not really sad to see fear go
I am Dracula 72: he was a trouble maker lol
I am Dracula 72: hes on the other tribe though
I am Dracula 72: and they all hated him over there
I am Dracula 72: if they lose i think they will probably boot fear
Durfee2007: Probably
Durfee2007: I don't think it's fair that Sky and Bood are still in.
Durfee2007: They're just being dragged along.
Durfee2007: Now I know I don't show much, but at least I'm online outside the meetings.
I am Dracula 72: they will be the first two to go
I am Dracula 72: if we ever go to tc
Durfee2007: Good.
Durfee2007: So do you know why Spill didn't keep Penguin?
I am Dracula 72: no idea
I am Dracula 72: but penguin should be safe he said
I am Dracula 72: he said he has people who will help him on the tribe
I am Dracula 72: so hell be ok it seems
Durfee2007: Ok.

||Private Conversation: Dracula & Dynasty||

I am Dracula 72: Banana isn't Case.
I am Dracula 72: Banana is Iam.
I am Dracula 72: And apparently Penguin has an alliance with Rave, Twin, and Iam.
I am Dracula 72: Iam is the ****head I carried to the end of OLS10.
I am Dracula 72: Who won because, while he did absolutely nothing, that meant he couldnt piss anybody off.
dynasty1001: so we put penguin on a tribe full of his allies?
dynasty1001: I guess that is good cause they would have voted me out
I am Dracula 72: Well, he's gonna get rid of Akk.
I am Dracula 72: And Fear.
I am Dracula 72: It gets rid of Fear, at least.
dynasty1001: it will end up being those 4 against us and game...won't ti?
dynasty1001: 4 v 4
dynasty1001: us being clear and us two
I am Dracula 72: We'd have to get rid of Nine before the merge.
I am Dracula 72: Because Penguin could use her/him/whoever.
I am Dracula 72: If we did that, then we'd merge with Gameshark, Durf (who's with me), Clear, you, and I.
I am Dracula 72: vs. Penguin/Rave/Banana/Twin.
I am Dracula 72: Assuming those 4 live.
I am Dracula 72: Which is unlikely. Because Penguin's got idiots to work with now.
dynasty1001: or we could just beat the **** out of them every challenge
I am Dracula 72: Yeah.
I am Dracula 72: That's my take on it.
dynasty1001: so is case in this game?
dynasty1001: akkadian maybe?
dynasty1001: that is the only unaccounted for person
I am Dracula 72: I ****ing hope so.
I am Dracula 72: Because I'm almost positive he's in the game.
I am Dracula 72: And if it's not Akk or Banana, it means he's on our tribe somewhere.
dynasty1001: which would mean nothing
dynasty1001: cause our tribe is a bunch of no shows
dynasty1001: unless he is durf
I am Dracula 72: Yeah.