||Actual Day: 25/89||
||Actual Date: February 16, 2006||
||YAXHÁ - DAY 11||
||Private Conversation: Dracula & Dynasty||
dynasty1001: what kind of situation are we in with durf?
I am Dracula 72: no clue
dynasty1001: is he with you?
dynasty1001: or a penguin person?
I am Dracula 72: He's an alias.
I am Dracula 72: Because I got confirmation today that Nine is who she says she is, and is not an alias.
dynasty1001: which means what?
I am Dracula 72: Meaning Durf is an alias. Not with Penguin, but an alias.
dynasty1001: how do you know?
I am Dracula 72: Based on your tribes' ratio, Durf would be an alias.
dynasty1001: 5 alias on each tribe?
dynasty1001: including you and me
dynasty1001: wait, alias, or just returning people?
I am Dracula 72: The ratio was this
I am Dracula 72: 1 returner alias, me/you.
I am Dracula 72: 2 returners: bood/penguin;gameshark/rave (from original tribes)
I am Dracula 72: 1 obvious alias: Brian/Superfan
I am Dracula 72: and then an even distribution of aliases and new people.
I am Dracula 72: Your tribe had at least two aliases, Yosh and Brian.
I am Dracula 72: Er, Buffy.
I am Dracula 72: Twin's legit, not sure about Akk, and for sure Banana's an alias.
dynasty1001: 1:2:1:3 or 4:2 or 1
dynasty1001: is that right?
dynasty1001: that leaves only 2 or 4 new players
I am Dracula 72: Yeah.
I am Dracula 72: So in any event, Durf probably is an alias.
I am Dracula 72: For now, I say keep him.
dynasty1001: ok
dynasty1001: is fear confirmed new?
I am Dracula 72: Fear's a new guy, yeah.
I am Dracula 72: He's not an alias. Just a scumbag.
dynasty1001: ok, well, that means akka is new
dynasty1001: because that would mean 2 new players per tribe
dynasty1001: akka, twin fear, nine
dynasty1001: I don't like trying to figure all this stuff out
I am Dracula 72: I don't really care either way.
I am Dracula 72: Because we're gonna kill them.
dynasty1001: yeha, that would be nice
dynasty1001: but it may be a problem if we beat them one more time
dynasty1001: because of the fact that we need to sit out so many people
dynasty1001: so we need to like, plan out how we will sit out people
dynasty1001: cause the next challenge we will need to sit out like, game, durf, and spill or something
I am Dracula 72: if it's reward, you and i should both sit
I am Dracula 72: with brian
dynasty1001: after that we can blend together so like, bood, nine and then two people that show up sit out, then switch on and off so we don't have a bunch of active people sitting out all together
I am Dracula 72: Yeah, we'll figure it out then.
dynasty1001: I just don't want to get into a mode where all the actives sit out reward then play immunity because if guy has immunity at the beginning of the week one time it will screw us up
I am Dracula 72: we know what it is prior to sitting out though
I am Dracula 72: and reward always comes first
dynasty1001: yeah, but, if we can't sit out nine, sky, bood, etc and we find out it is immunity we would get screwed over
dynasty1001: we just have to make sure we think ahead
I am Dracula 72: we can afford to lose 1 with the idler buffer
I am Dracula 72: but we'll figure it out
I am Dracula 72: because there'll be a double elimination round at some point probably
dynasty1001: we'll have them down to three at most come merge, hopefully
dynasty1001: that would make the first three votes come merge fun
I am Dracula 72: yeah, we'll have a 3 week vacation basically
I am Dracula 72: unless brian keeps showing
I am Dracula 72: then only 2 weeks
spillkisses: NEW YAXHA POWER.
spillkisses: YEAAAAAA!
spillkisses: Party up in here.
Game2Shark5: hey!
spillkisses: haha, hey.
Durfee2007: Hey.
I am Dracula 72: hey guys
I am Dracula 72: brb
Game2Shark5: i can change my font to blue now
Durfee2007: We're blue?
I am Dracula 72: back
I am Dracula 72: yeah, we're the blue tribe lol
Game2Shark5: w001!
Durfee2007: Oh..all this time I thought we were yellow.
Durfee2007: Hold on lol
Game2Shark5: rofl
I am Dracula 72: lol
spillkisses: lol!
Game2Shark5: its so weird not be surrounded by incompetents lol
I am Dracula 72: lol
Durfee2007: My maroon background font doesnt go good with blue.
I am Dracula 72: lol
Durfee2007: Ok, I'm good now.
I am Dracula 72: lol
I am Dracula 72: so what everybody do today?
Durfee2007: So how's everybody doing?
Durfee2007: Or that too.
Game2Shark5: its hot, durf
Game2Shark5: i just got up an hour ago, lol
I am Dracula 72: lol
Durfee2007: It's wicked hot.
I am Dracula 72: hmm
I am Dracula 72: wonder where everybody else is
Game2Shark5: lets win today if we do a challenge.... i wanna beat penguin sooo
Durfee2007: Treemail.
spillkisses: oh we will.
Durfee2007: ||GET READY, SET, AIM, AND FIRE||
Game2Shark5: sweet, trivia
Game2Shark5: hot
Game2Shark5: hi brian
I am Dracula 72: hey brian
BRian go RAWr: hey
Durfee2007 has left the room.
Game2Shark5 has left the room.
I am Dracula 72 has left the room.
BRian go RAWr has left the room.
spillkisses has left the room.