||Actual Day: 36/89||
||Actual Date: February 27, 2006||

||NAKÚM - DAY 16||
||bananacherrypie7 (Iam) - 17/M/British Columbia||
bananacherrypie7: One of my initial goals in this game was to make it past how long I lasted in ols9...and I have done that. If all goes well, I should at least have a spot in the jury (yay). I have a feeling that double tc will be coming up soon, which means that if penguin doesn't plan to backstab me then twin is going home. I can't believe that she hasn't asked on how we know the challenges! I'm 2nd in sp right now which makes me extremely happy. Only penguin is ahead of me because he has won every reward except day one. Fear hasn't showed up which makes me nervous. I don't want to force a deadlock just to get twin out. This is COMPLETELY opposite to ols10. I only went to ONE tribal council in which I had to cast a VOTE pre-merge last game. Spill, dynasty, and durf are definitely mad that we got rid of rave now (about time it took effect) because they were allied with him. That's why we need to keep fear to have the connections alive on Yaxha. Apparently twin isn't very likeable, I know what you are thinking but it's just because she isn't the loudest (nor is she the quietest, just kidding!). I think that clear could be in this game, but I slightly doubt it. If he is in this game, he could be spill or nine I think (if yosh can pull it off so can clear) and could definitely pick up on tells that it could be me which would work out for me in this game because he can trust me. This will be a defining week of the game...I can sense it.
tWINgurl8604: hello
bananacherrypie7: fear is gone again?!
tWINgurl8604: yeah...
tWINgurl8604: he's never here
ppenguin757: he said he'd be back
tWINgurl8604: there he is
bananacherrypie7: oh, nevermind lol
tWINgurl8604: i hope tonight is fun
ppenguin757: well, if it IS a challenge
ppenguin757: it's scrambled trivia
ppenguin757: which should be
ppenguin757: where we go on a webpage
ppenguin757: and look behind flags
tWINgurl8604: not if it's racing though..
tWINgurl8604: oh well
ppenguin757: to get parts of a trivia question
tWINgurl8604: least i can say i'm trying
ppenguin757: fear ^_^
ppenguin757: omg you guys
ppenguin757: 100%!
Fear The Slice: ppen ^_^
ppenguin757: this is hot beyond hot.
ppenguin757: so.
Fear The Slice: So is this font :-]
ppenguin757: today we compete against 4 of:
ppenguin757: dynasty, durf, spill, game, brian
tWINgurl8604: i hope it's immunity
tWINgurl8604: and we win
ppenguin757: since game is on away
tWINgurl8604: i would cry
bananacherrypie7: plus they have to sit out people
ppenguin757: i'm assuming it's dynasty, durf, spill, and brian
bananacherrypie7: durf played last challenge
ppenguin757: that's who our competition is tonight
ppenguin757: no he didnt
bananacherrypie7: yes he did
ppenguin757: really?
ppenguin757: it was the challenge which holly won for us
bananacherrypie7: yep
ppenguin757: it was sky, bood, nine, and dracula
ppenguin757: no durf
tWINgurl8604: aww
bananacherrypie7: really?
bananacherrypie7: oh, ok
ppenguin757: yeah
bananacherrypie7: worked out nice for them
ppenguin757: I have a bad feeling
ppenguin757: that today is a reward
tWINgurl8604: about what?
tWINgurl8604: oh
ppenguin757: and tonight is a double TC
tWINgurl8604: cause we're all here...
bananacherrypie7: double tc you think right?
tWINgurl8604: oh what
tWINgurl8604: noooooooo
ppenguin757: but then again I've said that for the past 3 days
tWINgurl8604: we'll win
bananacherrypie7: beat me to it lol
ppenguin757: so what do I know? ^_^
Fear The Slice: when there are two more days in this round david?
tWINgurl8604: you know more than me
bananacherrypie7: 2 challenges and 13 people in final week before merger= double tc
ppenguin757: well we only have 2 more challenges
ppenguin757: mhm
ppenguin757: banana says it all
tWINgurl8604: double tc as in we both go to tc?
bananacherrypie7: yes
Fear The Slice: David
Fear The Slice: Did I not just go on invisible
tWINgurl8604: no, that would suck
tWINgurl8604: you did fear
tWINgurl8604: i was like where is fear
bananacherrypie7: yep
tWINgurl8604: but you signed off, but were still in the chat
Fear The Slice: :] :P
tWINgurl8604: and i was like wtf?
tWINgurl8604: don't confuse me like that dumby...jk lol
bananacherrypie7: I'll pull my own disappearing act lol
Fear The Slice: David. you there?
ppenguin757: I am
ppenguin757: OMG NO BANANA :-(
ppenguin757: he's DEAD
ppenguin757: *cries*
tWINgurl8604: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
tWINgurl8604: *dies*
Fear The Slice: I told the world I am Brit yesterday
ppenguin757: NO 2 ARE DEAD :-(
Fear The Slice: Davidf
Fear The Slice: :]
tWINgurl8604: i'm going to eat some pudding
ppenguin757: I heard
Fear The Slice:
tWINgurl8604: can i go invisible?
ppenguin757: yeah
ppenguin757: omg he's alive :-)
bananacherrypie7: hello
tWINgurl8604: i can't go invisible...
tWINgurl8604: deadaim is screwed
Fear The Slice: David. The last 2 months while I was Brit was the BEST two
months ever (ORG wise)
tWINgurl8604: you like being a girl?
bananacherrypie7: ?
bananacherrypie7: lol
Fear The Slice: It gave me a chance to be someone I'm totally not
tWINgurl8604: i should try that...
Fear The Slice: It's an actor's dream
ppenguin757: and Ben says he's not gay ^_6
tWINgurl8604: i think i might try it in my next org
tWINgurl8604: haha
ppenguin757: lol twin -.-
tWINgurl8604: i'm serious!
tWINgurl8604: i want to play an alias
Fear The Slice: <<< Is already trying it in next ORG
tWINgurl8604: lol fun
Fear The Slice: The host already said I can be an alias
tWINgurl8604: no one will ever guess it's me
Fear The Slice: :]
Fear The Slice: No one could guess it was me for 2 months
Fear The Slice: And the only reason they found out
tWINgurl8604: is because of the ip address?
Fear The Slice: was because "Brit" and I went on vacation together
Fear The Slice: :]
ppenguin757: Are you kidding me Ben?
tWINgurl8604: hahaha
tWINgurl8604: awww
ppenguin757: Everyone knew
tWINgurl8604: how sweet
ppenguin757: Like after a month
bananacherrypie7: lol
ppenguin757: and you just wouldn't admit it
ppenguin757: Belle accused you like a week after
Fear The Slice: And you yourself said
tWINgurl8604: that's hilarious
Fear The Slice: you believed me
Fear The Slice: :]
ppenguin757: I did
ppenguin757: but Belle didn't
Fear The Slice: Belle thinks everyone is an alias tho
ppenguin757: so don't say no one -.-
Fear The Slice: So it was no big
Fear The Slice: :]
bananacherrypie7: are you an alias twin?
bananacherrypie7: heh
tWINgurl8604: idc if people are alias'
tWINgurl8604: no i'm not
Fear The Slice: Ty is an alias =\
tWINgurl8604: everyone knows that who's played with me or my sister
tWINgurl8604: which ty?
Fear The Slice: Tyological
tWINgurl8604: hahahahaha
tWINgurl8604: omg
tWINgurl8604: actually i've talked to him on the phone
Fear The Slice: TY IS DEVON
Fear The Slice: So have I
tWINgurl8604: hahahahahahaha
bananacherrypie7: I'm lost
tWINgurl8604: and we've talked to devon on the phone
Fear The Slice: OMG
Fear The Slice: TREE MAIL
tWINgurl8604: at the same time
tWINgurl8604: weird...
tWINgurl8604: talent
bananacherrypie7: I guess times have changed after three years
Fear The Slice: TREE MAIL:
ppenguin757: =-O
tWINgurl8604: haha
tWINgurl8604: i'm amused
ppenguin757: sh.
Fear The Slice: IMMUNITY
ppenguin757: OMG IMMUNITY
tWINgurl8604: woo immunity
Fear The Slice: And its trivia!!!!!!1
ppenguin757: all 3 tasks
ppenguin757: so trivia
tWINgurl8604: and brown on pink is horrible for the eyes
ppenguin757: and letters
Fear The Slice: then take letters from the 11 answers
Fear The Slice: to make an 11 letter word
bananacherrypie7: I had to highlight it
ppenguin757: mhm.
Fear The Slice: and then do something with it
tWINgurl8604: me too banana
tWINgurl8604: well we can finally win one
Fear The Slice: Brb <3
tWINgurl8604: <3
ppenguin757: ok guys
tWINgurl8604: what does that mean?
ppenguin757: imma get us an anagram program
tWINgurl8604: banana?
bananacherrypie7: are yoy serious? lol
tWINgurl8604: no lol
bananacherrypie7: *you
tWINgurl8604: i'm jk...it was sposed to be funny
bananacherrypie7: I know
bananacherrypie7: it's called sarcasm, the lowest form of comedy
tWINgurl8604: hahaha i know i know...
bananacherrypie7: and it's sooooo cool lol
tWINgurl8604: i should try it someday!
bananacherrypie7: yes you should
tWINgurl8604: haha thanks~!
bananacherrypie7: everyone will be cheering "Holly! Holly!"
tWINgurl8604: omg! i'll so tell you when that happens lol...and i'll thank you
tWINgurl8604: for teaching me...the best teacher!
bananacherrypie7: lol
tWINgurl8604: and when i win a grammy
bananacherrypie7: you'll be higher up than Tom Cruise
ppenguin757: LMFAO
tWINgurl8604: i'll say "i'd like to thank banana, for teaching me everything he's ever known *cries*"
Fear The Slice: <3
tWINgurl8604: lol
tWINgurl8604: <3
bananacherrypie7: they'll let you jump on every single of Oprah's couches
tWINgurl8604: omg! that would be so fun!
tWINgurl8604: i'd invite you of course
bananacherrypie7: it would be
Fear The Slice: Yellow couch
bananacherrypie7: I'd be glad to come
ppenguin757: OMG OPRAH
tWINgurl8604: cause i can't enjoy it without my teacher!
ppenguin757: And then you guys can come and chill with me :-)
tWINgurl8604: i watched oprah today sadly enough
ppenguin757: In Chicago yay ^_^
tWINgurl8604: oh yes!
bananacherrypie7: No!
bananacherrypie7: lol
tWINgurl8604: chicago is fun!
tWINgurl8604: so fun
Fear The Slice: Chicago has a big building for Mr. Sears =\
tWINgurl8604: i hear the sears tower is way overrated
bananacherrypie7: we have Zellers in canada
ppenguin757: um 2nd biggest building in the world :-)
Fear The Slice: after CNN Tower
bananacherrypie7: CN tower
Fear The Slice: wait
bananacherrypie7: lol
tWINgurl8604: haha
Fear The Slice: no
ppenguin757: depends on what you mean by overrated
ppenguin757: TAIPEI 101
tWINgurl8604: well people who live there lol
ppenguin757: jeez ben, get it right -.-
tWINgurl8604: my bf say speople wanna go there all the time
tWINgurl8604: and he's been there like 40 times
ppenguin757: itsb oring
Fear The Slice:
Fear The Slice: after CNN Tower
Fear The Slice: waitFear The Slice
: no
tWINgurl8604: and it's not exciting
ppenguin757: *its boring
Fear The Slice: :]
ppenguin757: except on a really clear day