||Actual Day: 36/89||
||Actual Date: February 27, 2006||


||Durfee2007 Voting||

||dynasty1001 Voting||

||I am Dracula 72 Voting||

I am Dracula 72: [Lady in the Sky With Diamonds] So, up until this point, I haven't had to do a damn thing. That's great. Really great. And my first vote.....will also basically accomplish nothing, as there is 5 idlers. 5. Pathetic. Not as pathetic as Penguin losing 3 pounds over 8 days of not eating, but still. My hope is that Sky not showing up is a sign that she is Frog, and that she dropped out when she saw there were returners that could possibly be me. Lord, let me exorcise that demon. ^_^ Tonight, the Prince says......off with Skyladyblue001's head.

||spillkisses Voting||

Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES