||Actual Day: 61/89||
||Actual Date: March 24, 2006||


||bananacherrypie7 Voting||

||Durfee2007 Voting||

Durfee2007: [gameshark] i'm going against dracula because he's telling me what to do now and i dont appreciate that

||Fear The Slice() Voting||

Fear The Slice(): [ DyNASTY =-O] Um... Well you already had a chance at this game... so it really doesnt serve you right to let another person have a chance at winning. You are the easiest vote tonight since you are absent. I'll make sure your friends soon follow you. And one more thing. You're JUST ANOTHER VICTIM

||Game2Shark5 Voting||

||I am Dracula 72 Voting||

I am Dracula 72: [Banana] I wanted Fear gone, but he's immune. So I'm gonna vote Banana. Off with his ****ing head, all that good ****.

||nine9isfine Voting||

nine9isfine: [game] nothing personal, just strategy, you rock though i'll miss you, sorry!

||spillkisses Voting||

spillkisses: [banana] My vote tonight is for Banana, I am tired. Dracula said vote Banana, I am voting banana aka iamalwaysthemole, I think. They keep calling me Prince. I laugh inside. I'm half-hoping I get voted out tonight to see penguins reaction. It's just a game.=)

Survivor Guy 886: I'LL GO TALLY THE VOTES