==Actual Date: May 22, 2006==
==Actual Day: 01/89==

==Casaya - Day 01==

Fear The Slice has entered the room.
BigWhale64 has entered the room.
XxJakeyJakeyxx has entered the room.
Kholdstare4Sword has entered the room.
Fear The Slice: Whoo camp. Go older women ^_^
BigWhale64: hey
Fear The Slice: Viveros is going to lose the next immunity chalenge... they have an autistic player on their tribe
Fear The Slice: Khold. you were in OLS5 right? :-)
Fear The Slice: did anyone remember the code?
Kholdstare4Sword: yes i was
Fear The Slice: Well on Viveros...
Kholdstare4Sword: no, i didn't save it
Fear The Slice: guess who is on their tribe
Kholdstare4Sword: i think 5 is when i ****ed up
Kholdstare4Sword: and got out 3rd
Fear The Slice: Do you remember PZZZSCHOOL? :-)
Kholdstare4Sword: sounds familiar
Fear The Slice: look at the ols5 episodes
Fear The Slice: she is autistic
Kholdstare4Sword: DDR3Addict51290 3
Fear The Slice: she is a hinderance to any tribe
Kholdstare4Sword: that's when i messed up, came in 14th
Kholdstare4Sword: so...
Kholdstare4Sword: now what
Fear The Slice: well... i hope immunity is on thursday
Fear The Slice: but its all chill :-)
Kholdstare4Sword: lol
Kholdstare4Sword: >_>
Fear The Slice: <_<
Kholdstare4Sword: >_>
BigWhale64: So how is everyone?
Kholdstare4Sword: good
Kholdstare4Sword: you?
BigWhale64: just splendid sir.
BigWhale64: I feel bad for Brian
BigWhale64: since I should have gone
Kholdstare4Sword: he's not missing much now >_>
BigWhale64: lol ya
BigWhale64: so whats up?
Kholdstare4Sword: bored
BigWhale64: me too
BigWhale64: lets make FIRE
Kholdstare4Sword: ?
Kholdstare4Sword: how long do we have to stay here? >_>\
BigWhale64: idk
BigWhale64: lol
BigWhale64: anyone want to play rock paper scissors?
Kholdstare4Sword: nope
Kholdstare4Sword: lol
BigWhale64: lol
BigWhale64: this is hostel
Fear The Slice: we could have left an hour and a half ago
Fear The Slice: rofl
Fear The Slice: you fools. meetings end at 8. lmfao. i love it
Kholdstare4Sword: ..
Kholdstare4Sword: >_>
BigWhale64: lol