==Actual Date: May 23, 2006==
==Actual Day: 02/89==

==La Mina - Day 02==

Akkadian1: hello
SpiderFab4: Hi
SpiderFab4: sup?
Akkadian1: was up
SpiderFab4: not much
Akkadian1: hey i bet your going to watch xmen 3 right Invitation result for buddy ppenguin757 : Invite or request timed out
SpiderFab4: I'm not much of a movie person
SpiderFab4: But it looks good
Akkadian1: yep
SpiderFab4: you going?
Akkadian1: so what happen on day 1
Akkadian1: well not this weekend becuase i have to fly to rome
Akkadian1: i told peng
Akkadian1: and guy i am sorry but next week i wont be here
Akkadian1: will miss all 3 meetings
SpiderFab4: Enjoy Rome then
SpiderFab4: dont drink the tap water
Akkadian1: lol i wont
Akkadian1: so where is everyone else
Akkadian1: exile island?
SpiderFab4: Anyway, yesterday, we started right away with a tribal reward challenge, one winner gets SP, the others had to exile someone for until AFTER the next Immunity Challenge
SpiderFab4: We won :-)
Akkadian1: i heard from peng
Akkadian1: cool cool
SpiderFab4: TREEMAIL
Akkadian1: ok
SpiderFab4: You watch American Idol?
Akkadian1: yeah
Akkadian1: a little
Akkadian1: mostly 24 and lost
SpiderFab4: I really don't want Taylor to win
Akkadian1: everyone thinks he will
Akkadian1: so what happens now
SpiderFab4: Peng will be here any minute
Akkadian1: ok
SpiderFab4: Then I guess it's up to us if we want to wait for Budd
Akkadian1: ok
ppenguin757: hey guys :-)
SpiderFab4: hey
Akkadian1: hi
SpiderFab4: So do you guys want to wait on Budd?
Akkadian1: sure
ppenguin757: we have nothing else to do, lol
SpiderFab4: Who wants to host?
Akkadian1: why not u
Akkadian1: :-)
SpiderFab4: why not you?
SpiderFab4: :-)
Akkadian1: i would but i am not prepared
Akkadian1: and once again is anything we want like trivia right
SpiderFab4: basically
ppenguin757: lol
Akkadian1: Well how about Peng you got experience
ppenguin757: we all have experience
ppenguin757: that's the point of us being on the same tribe ^_^
Akkadian1: lol
SpiderFab4: lol
Akkadian1: how many questions is it?
SpiderFab4: Thats up to us
Akkadian1: Well i would do just Survivor Trivia
Akkadian1: none of that smart stuff
Akkadian1: I'll ask hard and easy question about survivor
Akkadian1: up to u
ppenguin757: ok, works for me
SpiderFab4: You got questions?
Akkadian1: yes sir
SpiderFab4: cool
Akkadian1: do i Just start
ppenguin757: yep
ppenguin757: well
SpiderFab4: yes
Akkadian1: Allrite
ppenguin757: we should decide how many we go to
Akkadian1: i got 10 qs
SpiderFab4: so up to 5
Akkadian1: 15
Akkadian1: actually
Akkadian1: lol
ppenguin757: ok
SpiderFab4: then we can do first to 7
ppenguin757: so first person to 7 wins
Akkadian1: TEST
SpiderFab4: make sure it ends at 8 though
Akkadian1: LOL I am GUY
SpiderFab4: lol
ppenguin757: lol great :-)
Akkadian1: allrite
Akkadian1: ok these question are from the first 7 seasons of survivor so i am going back old school here
SpiderFab4: cool
ppenguin757: ok
Akkadian1: Colleen Haskell from Survivor Pulau Tiga was in what movie with Roy Schneider?
SpiderFab4: The Animal
Akkadian1: yep
ppenguin757: haha I remember that
ppenguin757: awful movie
Akkadian1: What Survivor from the first season had a CBS news medical show?
SpiderFab4: Dr Sean
ppenguin757: Sean
SpiderFab4: Gervase
Akkadian1: SPIDER
ppenguin757: BB
ppenguin757: I dunno lol
Akkadian1: i forgot to say ur name sorry
ppenguin757: of course it was Sean
Akkadian1: practice practice for me
ppenguin757: and his alphabet strategy >_>
SpiderFab4: lol
Akkadian1: What razor commercial was Colby from Season 2 on?
ppenguin757: Quattro
ppenguin757: the Schick Quattro
ppenguin757: the power of 4
Akkadian1: yes Peng
Akkadian1: PENG
ppenguin757: lol
ppenguin757: Colby is like my favorite :-)
SpiderFab4: So its 2-1
ppenguin757: yeah
Akkadian1: Ok this is a Two Part Question What food item did Kimmie refuse to eat? Eventually what food item did she est to win her tribe immunity?
ppenguin757: Cow brain, worm
Akkadian1: PENG
ppenguin757: a mangrove worm
Akkadian1: 2-2
SpiderFab4: gj
ppenguin757: thanks
Akkadian1: this is fun
Akkadian1: ok moving on to Africa
Akkadian1: What was the proffesion of the first person voted of from Survivor Africa?
SpiderFab4: Mailman
ppenguin757: postal worker
SpiderFab4: Mail Woman
SpiderFab4: w/e
ppenguin757: lol
Akkadian1: SPider
ppenguin757: I had to think
Akkadian1: damn u guys are good
ppenguin757: I was like...who was first voted off?
ppenguin757: OH, lazy eye diane
SpiderFab4: I almost said dentist
SpiderFab4: The most memorable pre-merge profession that season
ppenguin757: haha
ppenguin757: Carl
Akkadian1: How many daughters did Lex from Survivor Africa have?
ppenguin757: 2
SpiderFab4: 0
ppenguin757: 3
SpiderFab4: 1
Akkadian1: SPIDER
ppenguin757: 1
ppenguin757: or 0
Akkadian1: 4-2
Akkadian1: We move on Back to the Beach and into the Marquesas Which female Survivor celebrated there birthday while on the Show
ppenguin757: Vecepia
ppenguin757: Neleh
SpiderFab4: yeah
Akkadian1: pENG
Akkadian1: 4-3
ppenguin757: one of the w
ppenguin757: *2
Akkadian1: Same season who were the final 2 survivors
SpiderFab4: Vee Neleh
Akkadian1: SPIDER
Akkadian1: 5-3
ppenguin757: haha
ppenguin757: I blanked
Akkadian1: From the beach to Thailand On Survivor Thailand who was the first person voted off?
SpiderFab4: Pastor John
Akkadian1: SPIDER
ppenguin757: lol
ppenguin757: I'm clearly not fast enough
ppenguin757: he only needs 2 more :-)
Akkadian1: and before I move on I am just curious Spider what was your fav season so far and least fav
Akkadian1: ?
SpiderFab4: I liked Outback, and Pearl Islands
Akkadian1: allrite moving on
ppenguin757: lol
Akkadian1: On Survivor Amazon who was named the Greatest Player Not to win the game?
ppenguin757: Rob
Akkadian1: PENG
SpiderFab4: 6-4
Akkadian1: yep
Akkadian1: Allrite Alex and Jenna went on a reward where they were served what?
ppenguin757: oh
ppenguin757: breakfast
ppenguin757: no
SpiderFab4: Coffee
ppenguin757: yeah
Akkadian1: SPIDER
ppenguin757: that lol
SpiderFab4: And I win
Akkadian1: and thats 7
ppenguin757: you need 1
ppenguin757: more to get majority
Akkadian1: ok
Akkadian1: ok Pearl Islands What was Darrahs proffesion
ppenguin757: Mortician
Akkadian1: PENG
Akkadian1: PENG is catching up
ppenguin757: 7-5
Akkadian1: yes
Akkadian1: PEARL ISLANDS still What contestant quit the game?
ppenguin757: osten
SpiderFab4: Osten
Akkadian1: PENG
ppenguin757: 7-6
Akkadian1: What was the First Survivor Season to have three tribes
SpiderFab4: 8
ppenguin757: all stars
ppenguin757: pear lislands
ppenguin757: pearl islands
Akkadian1: that would be 8
Akkadian1: :-)
ppenguin757: yay spider :-)
SpiderFab4: go me
SpiderFab4: :-)
Akkadian1: lol
ppenguin757: lol
Akkadian1: now what happens
Akkadian1: u win
ppenguin757: we wait for 12 minutes
ppenguin757: Spider gets 10 SP
ppenguin757: I got 5
SpiderFab4: And Akkadian gets 6
ppenguin757: yep
Akkadian1: yay
ppenguin757: and we have at least a 15 SP lead over everyone
ppenguin757: so it's all good :-)
SpiderFab4: Yep
Akkadian1: welli am off to watch tv
Akkadian1: when is the next game?
SpiderFab4: dont leave chat yet
SpiderFab4: Thursday
Akkadian1: ok
ppenguin757: where's ChrSwtPea when you need her :-)
Akkadian1: ill stay\
ppenguin757: or Eve
Akkadian1: so if this is like exile island what happens next
SpiderFab4: I remember SwtPea
Akkadian1: when is it we get into two teibes
ppenguin757: immunity should be Thursday
ppenguin757: well on the show, it happened the next round
ppenguin757: these tribes of 4 only lasted 1 round
ppenguin757: but because this is Guy...they might last 2 or 3 rounds
ppenguin757: I <3 ChrSwtPea
ppenguin757: and Eve
Akkadian1: ok
ppenguin757: ok, Idol's on
ppenguin757: talk to y'all later :-)
Akkadian1: what were we awiting for
SpiderFab4: I guess we can leave
SpiderFab4: Host records SP results from the chat automatically
Akkadian1: allrite
Akkadian1: will have a good nite
Akkadian1: see u thirs