Kholdstare4Sword: hi
BigWhale64: hey
BigWhale64: whats ure name?
Kholdstare4Sword: andrew
Kholdstare4Sword: you?
BigWhale64: Aaron
BigWhale64: both a names
Kholdstare4Sword: fear said he wasn't coming today
BigWhale64: ic
BigWhale64: have u seen the Da Vinci Code?
Kholdstare4Sword: nio
Kholdstare4Sword: *no
Kholdstare4Sword: i heard it sucked ass
Kholdstare4Sword: and i never read the book
BigWhale64: i liked it
BigWhale64: very thrilling
BigWhale64: there were people outside one of our city's theatres picketing with signs of the movie
BigWhale64: religious stuff
Kholdstare4Sword: lol
BigWhale64: we might get 10 sp
Kholdstare4Sword: why
Kholdstare4Sword: why
Kholdstare4Sword: why
Kholdstare4Sword: hi
BigWhale64: hey
BigWhale64: we get 10 SP
BigWhale64: cause
BigWhale64: not enough people showed for challenge but since we were here we do
BigWhale64: get somin
Kholdstare4Sword: oh
Kholdstare4Sword: that's cool