==Actual Date: May 23, 2006==
==Actual Day: 02/89==

==Bayoneta - Day 02==

cowsgomoo46: yo yo yo shorty
cowsgomoo46: no jk
cowsgomoo46: soudjgnlfdkjstgh jdjnlks
cowsgomoo46: dfslkghdsfjkgnd
cowsgomoo46: im gonna bang my head against the keyboard and see what pops up
cowsgomoo46: t5r4fy67uh54rfgvy67uh5r4fgvy
cowsgomoo46: again
cowsgomoo46: yt67
cowsgomoo46: ooooooooo short one
cowsgomoo46: yoo hoo
cowsgomoo46: survivor guy is retarded
cowsgomoo46: darn he didn't come
cowsgomoo46: eh mocerana
cowsgomoo46: i was afriad of this
cowsgomoo46: im gonna be the only one at the challenge and i suck at challenges
cowsgomoo46: if no one shows by 7:30 i get 10 sp
cowsgomoo46: yeah
cowsgomoo46: party party
cowsgomoo46: i gonna win survivor
cowsgomoo46: this is like exile island
cowsgomoo46: im all alone
cowsgomoo46: no one here beside meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
cowsgomoo46: my troubles have all gone
cowsgomoo46: but no one here to derive meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
cowsgomoo46: the time is 7:17 pm
cowsgomoo46: 7:18
cowsgomoo46: 7:19
cowsgomoo46: 7:20 10 more minutes and i win 10 sp free of charge
cowsgomoo46: 7:21
cowsgomoo46: ssooooooooooooooooooo bored
cowsgomoo46: 7:22
cowsgomoo46: &:23
cowsgomoo46: *7:@3
cowsgomoo46: 7:23
cowsgomoo46: 7 more minutes
cowsgomoo46: do do do do do do do dod dod dod dod do dod do
cowsgomoo46: (jeopardy theme song
cowsgomoo46: )
cowsgomoo46: :-) :P :-( :X
cowsgomoo46: wait
cowsgomoo46: :-) 8-) :-P :-D Cows Rock Lordy Jakey
cowsgomoo46: after tribal
cowsgomoo46: wooo hooo 7
cowsgomoo46: 7:30
cowsgomoo46: 10 sp for me
cowsgomoo46: 10sp for me
cowsgomoo46: after tribal
cowsgomoo46: :-D :-) :-P cows rock jakey
cowsgomoo46: bye