==Actual Date: May 25, 2006==
==Actual Day: 04/89==

==Casaya - Day 03==

==Fear The Slice - 15/M/Massachusetts==

Fear The Slice: Well i guess my personality has ****ed me once again. Being too personable must be a bad quality in these games. I expect to go tonight which i find completely bs seeing as i am one of of the better players in this whole game. oh well. i will laugh when these three get ****ed
Fear The Slice has entered the room.
BigWhale64 has entered the room.
Kholdstare4Sword has entered the room.
lil evil BRIAN has entered the room.
Kholdstare4Sword: hi
BigWhale64: hey
BigWhale64: Well that basically sucked
Kholdstare4Sword: i should've helped me, i 'm preoccupied at the moment
Fear The Slice: so why did you tell me to learn math? i wasnt talking about the number. i was bringing up that he said Answer: Answer: 5
Kholdstare4Sword: *more
Fear The Slice: That got me pretty upset
Kholdstare4Sword: jakey said -5 though
Kholdstare4Sword: he just typed when he said he was right
Kholdstare4Sword: *typoed
lil evil BRIAN: -___-
BigWhale64: lol
BigWhale64: sry Brian
lil evil BRIAN: its ok
lil evil BRIAN: what was the challenge?
BigWhale64: math:-O
BigWhale64: trivia
lil evil BRIAN: hello?
lil evil BRIAN: why is no one talking to me?
BigWhale64: ?
Kholdstare4Sword: hi
Kholdstare4Sword: sorry
Kholdstare4Sword: was eating
lil evil BRIAN: hiya
Kholdstare4Sword: how was
Kholdstare4Sword: not here
Kholdstare4Sword: >_>
BigWhale64: lol
BigWhale64: So how is everyone doin?
Kholdstare4Sword: good
Kholdstare4Sword: bored
BigWhale64: when IS tc?
Kholdstare4Sword: i assume 10
Kholdstare4Sword: but i don't know
lil evil BRIAN: its 10
BigWhale64: man y did it have to be math
BigWhale64: i hate that
lil evil BRIAN: yeah
lil evil BRIAN: ill brb
lil evil BRIAN: downloading new aim
BigWhale64: kk
lil evil BRIAN: is nineisfine9 in ols12?
Kholdstare4Sword: dunno
lil evil BRIAN: how old are you?
Kholdstare4Sword: 16
BigWhale64: how old are u Fear?
Fear The Slice: 15
BigWhale64: hats funny
Kholdstare4Sword: why
BigWhale64: im 14 ure 15 and andrew ure 16
BigWhale64: how old is Brian?
Kholdstare4Sword: lol
Kholdstare4Sword: dunno
==Private Conversation: Big & Khold==

Kholdstare4Sword: hey
BigWhale64: wad up?
Kholdstare4Sword: who're you voting for?
BigWhale64: idk yet
BigWhale64: u?
Kholdstare4Sword: i think
Kholdstare4Sword: me and brian are voting for fear
Kholdstare4Sword: you with us?
BigWhale64: lemme talk to Brian
Kholdstare4Sword: alright

==Private Conversation: Big & Fear==

Fear The Slice: khold is ****ing saying learn math
BigWhale64: i kno
BigWhale64: y didnt he say the answer!
Fear The Slice: um. i want him voted out
BigWhale64: kk
Fear The Slice: you are voting with me correct?
BigWhale64: if u are voting khold correct
Fear The Slice: i am voting khold
BigWhale64: alright then excellent
BigWhale64: if he knew math so well (and I admit I suck at it) y didnt he put the answer?
Fear The Slice: exactly. he's one to critsize but not one to put his input
BigWhale64: i kno
BigWhale64: im sry though i really aint good at math
BigWhale64: he still hasnt answered u
BigWhale64: Brian just asked where im swingin what should I say?
Fear The Slice: tell him the truth
BigWhale64: is Khold or Brian talkin to ya?
Fear The Slice: brian is. i am trying to get him to vote khold
BigWhale64: k me too
BigWhale64: hold is talkin to me now
BigWhale64: what should I say?
Fear The Slice: try to find out who he wants to vote out
BigWhale64: he said
BigWhale64: "I think, me and Brian are voting Fear."
BigWhale64: so khold then right?
Fear The Slice: yes.
Fear The Slice: if all goes right, it should be 3-1
BigWhale64: sounds like it from Brian

==BigWhale64 - 14/M/Illinois==

BigWhale64: Well we lost the IC today in the worst challenge ever, MATH. I suck at math. Anyway Fear and I made an alliance once we found out of our tribes which is good, but I was worried once we lost the challenge possibly looking as the "weak link." But I guess no one cared about that lol thank god. Anyways Fear was offended from Andrews comment about the math thing in the chat telling him to "learn math" also of his arrogance in him saying he knew the math but didnt answer the question we needed to win. He even said at camp that he should have paid more attention to the challenge. Myself, I tried as hard as I could but I was ineffective in that challenge so ya.
lil evil BRIAN has left the room.
Fear The Slice has left the room.
BigWhale64 has left the room.
Kholdstare4Sword has left the room.