==Actual Date: June 07, 2006==
==Actual Day: 17/89==

==La Mina - Day 09==

SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
ppenguin757 has entered the room.
SpiderFab4: Great performance, my friend
ppenguin757: that was great ^_^
ppenguin757: it feels so good to win again
SpiderFab4: Yep
SpiderFab4: So can we use this at any challenge, or just a specific future challenge?
ppenguin757: any challenge
ppenguin757: but guy keeps saying, "it remains at your camp"
SpiderFab4: lol
ppenguin757: i.e. we can't use it if we're not La Mina anymore
ppenguin757: i.e. tribe switch soon
ppenguin757: and snap
ppenguin757: Fear is mad at me
ppenguin757: so let me fill you in on what Fear thinks is going to happen.
ppenguin757: (he thinks I'm with him, so he tells me everything.)
ppenguin757: *ahem*
ppenguin757: he plans to go after cows, tim, and jakey first
ppenguin757: because he thinks they're aliases (which they probably are)
SpiderFab4: uh huh
ppenguin757: and he has a whole insecurity complex about that
ppenguin757: then, he plans to take out VB and you
SpiderFab4: you dont say
ppenguin757: because he thinks you're both strong and not allied to him
ppenguin757: then Budd
ppenguin757: which leaves 6
ppenguin757: me, him, Brian, Nessa, Rhi, Lordy
ppenguin757: me, him, Brian, and Nessa take out Rhi
ppenguin757: and Lordy
ppenguin757: then me, him, and Brian take out NEssa
ppenguin757: me and him take out Brian we're final 2
ppenguin757: a) this is very sloppily put together
ppenguin757: b) this will never happen
SpiderFab4: right
ppenguin757: so if we end up going to Tribal
ppenguin757: we're voting out Budd, right?
SpiderFab4: yes
ppenguin757: ok cool
ppenguin757: I think we can take this game
SpiderFab4: Make sure we pwn Tim
ppenguin757: yeah
ppenguin757: I seriously think Tim is case
SpiderFab4: really?
ppenguin757: I do
ppenguin757: he's acting so much like he did last season
ppenguin757: and as cards in OLS 10
SpiderFab4: I see
ppenguin757: I don't know
ppenguin757: but were strong
ppenguin757: we're good :-)
ppenguin757: yay us!
ppenguin757: and now I have to go lol
ppenguin757: bye
SpiderFab4: we are good
SpiderFab4: That was a good gyro