==Actual Date: June 19, 2006==
==Actual Day: 29/89==

==Viveros - Day 13==

ppenguin757 has entered the room.
Rhi in Walmart has entered the room.
lil evil BRIAN has entered the room.
TimDuncan242 has entered the room.
VanessaHouse has entered the room.
VBPunk81 has entered the room.
ppenguin757: YAY US
ppenguin757: g2g bye :-)
TimDuncan242: gj everyone
VBPunk81: ok, that was a long challenge
VBPunk81: ... like ... crazy long
VBPunk81: but we won :D
VBPunk81: ... :\
VBPunk81: great job Brian!
VBPunk81: I know you didn't want that one, but you did good with it :D
TimDuncan242: i hope there is no more long challenges
VBPunk81: yea I know, it was draining
TimDuncan242: I managed to fit a whole dinner during it
VBPunk81: hahahaha
VBPunk81: I was watching a movie
TimDuncan242: did u finish it? lol
VBPunk81: I paused it in the middle
TimDuncan242: o
VBPunk81: when the challenge was nearing an end I got tense :-P
VBPunk81: and wanted to see who won (DUH)
TimDuncan242: that was close
VBPunk81: yea, we started off so strong and then got bad luck with the dice
VBPunk81: and they had some fast people in too
TimDuncan242: we almost lost it wit havin fear in
VBPunk81: yea, that was not smart at all
VBPunk81: I was like ... anyobody BUT fear
VBPunk81: I wanted to put Jakey in
TimDuncan242: or lordy
VBPunk81: i think Brian is asleep in the lean to :-P
lil evil BRIAN: hello!
VBPunk81: hey Brian :-) whats up
lil evil BRIAN: hey not much
VBPunk81: sorry about the challenge man, hope I wasnt being a pain in the ass
lil evil BRIAN: its ok
lil evil BRIAN: wheres everyone else?
TimDuncan242: left
VBPunk81: I think at the Veto thing
VBPunk81: for another game
lil evil BRIAN: hmm
VBPunk81: Big Brother... I would imagine
VBPunk81: they all were talking about it
lil evil BRIAN: i cant wait
lil evil BRIAN: for bb7
VBPunk81: me either!
TimDuncan242: all stars!
VBPunk81: Howie ... hehehe
lil evil BRIAN: the only one i fully watched was bb5
lil evil BRIAN: bb6 i was gone in vacation
lil evil BRIAN: i liked bb5, with the twins
TimDuncan242: i want kaysar back
VBPunk81: yea, it was good ... but like way too seperated
lil evil BRIAN: i want karen back <3
VBPunk81: it was like us vs them the whole time after week 3
lil evil BRIAN: what we talking about?
VBPunk81: BB6
VBPunk81: It was Howie, Kaysar, Janelle, Rachel, Sarah and James ...
VBPunk81: ...vs Maggie, Ivette, Beau, April, Jennifer and Eric
TimDuncan242: did u notice in bb6 how nobody cheered for maggie or ivette in the finale?
VBPunk81: LMAO yes I did
VBPunk81: nobody liked them
VBPunk81: and they thought that everyone did
TimDuncan242: and then it was really loud when howie, janelle, and kaysar came out
VBPunk81: they were the villians to most people
TimDuncan242: yup
VBPunk81: the Nerd Herd
VBPunk81: LMAO
TimDuncan242: lol
TimDuncan242: and thats what happened in bb6 ty
VBPunk81: but they managed to shake the others ... Howie flipped
VBPunk81: I hope Howie, Janelle and James come back
VBPunk81: and Kaysar :D
VBPunk81: James to win the vetos
TimDuncan242: they prob. limit to like 2 or 3 per season
VBPunk81: Howie to be funny
VBPunk81: Janelle to look god
lil evil BRIAN: James...
VBPunk81: and Kaysar to plot and plan :P
lil evil BRIAN: Howie got on my nerves sometimes
lil evil BRIAN: likes he trieing to hard
lil evil BRIAN: to be seen
VBPunk81: yea, but he's perfect for the house ... and he called April "BUSTO"
lil evil BRIAN: in an annoying way
VBPunk81: hahahaha
lil evil BRIAN: that was funny
TimDuncan242: lol
TimDuncan242: i liked eric....for the first week lol
VBPunk81: yea, he was paranoid from day 1
VBPunk81: guys versus girls
VBPunk81: lets do it maaaan
VBPunk81: I hope the next challenge is like ... turbo typer challenge
TimDuncan242: lol
VBPunk81: cuz almost two hours is just bunk
VBPunk81: my ass was hurting man
VBPunk81: ok well Im gone :-) later guys
TimDuncan242: bye