==Actual Date: June 22, 2006==
==Actual Day: 32/89==

==Viveros - Day 14==

VanessaHouse: hey
TimDuncan242: yo
VanessaHouse: where is everyone.
TimDuncan242: yo
ppenguin757: hey ^_^
TimDuncan242: whats up all
ppenguin757: not much, you?
TimDuncan242: nm eitha
ppenguin757: Nessa :-)
ppenguin757: what up girl?
VanessaHouse: n.m
ppenguin757: ready for the changelle?
TimDuncan242: hopefully the challenge isnt a spelling bee
VanessaHouse: yep
ppenguin757: LMFAO
TimDuncan242: treemail
ppenguin757: =-O

TimDuncan242: : TREE MAIL:
TimDuncan242: ==(PUZZLE!)==
TimDuncan242: ==(a-c-s-b-m-r-l-e)==
TimDuncan242: ==(E-a-c-s-b-m-r-l)==
TimDuncan242: ==(e-a-c-s-R-m-B-l)==
TimDuncan242: ==(e-S-c-A-r-m-b-l)==
TimDuncan242: ==(e-s-c-R-A-m-b-l)==
TimDuncan242: ==(s-c-r-a-m-b-l-E)==
TimDuncan242: ==(SCRAMBLE!)==

ppenguin757: oh god, not this game again >_>
ppenguin757: this is a kick in the nuts
TimDuncan242: im not sure but i think its a scramble
ppenguin757: no, it's a puzzle
ppenguin757: wher ethere are 3 rules
ppenguin757: you can switch letters that are separated by one letter
ppenguin757: move the end letters to the other end
ppenguin757: and switch the two in the middle
ppenguin757: to form the word
TimDuncan242: oooo
ppenguin757: it's a very logic-oriented game
ppenguin757: we can win it :-)
TimDuncan242: who should we sit out today? finally its sum1 absent
ppenguin757: umm
ppenguin757: I'm thinking Rhi or VB
ppenguin757: so we don't have to sit them out for immunity
VanessaHouse: Rhi usally pop up")_
ppenguin757: well, if she does
ppenguin757: then we can sit out VB
VanessaHouse: he is online but on his cell it said.
ppenguin757: right
ppenguin757: but he's still not able to get into a chat
ppenguin757: maybe we should sit out Brian then?
TimDuncan242: er
TimDuncan242: might not be a good idea
ppenguin757: but I'd rather sit out Rhi or VB so we know one of them is playing for immunity
VanessaHouse: he will complain like me lol
TimDuncan242: lol
VanessaHouse: problay not a good idea.