==Actual Date: June 23, 2006==
==Actual Day: 33/89==

==Viveros - Night 15==

ppenguin757 has entered the room.
TimDuncan242 has entered the room.
VanessaHouse has entered the room.
lil evil BRIAN has entered the room.
VBPunk81 has entered the room.
VanessaHouse: you all take care of your ****ing self at the merge i am jumping off the wagonL90
ppenguin757: L90?
VanessaHouse: so 6 vs 4 if we merge soon:-)
VBPunk81: its good that you can smile about being one of the 4 hun :-)
VanessaHouse: I am not you all are:-)_
VanessaHouse has left the room.
lil evil BRIAN: bye bitch :-)
VBPunk81: I thought that bitch would never leave
VBPunk81: LMAO
lil evil BRIAN: lmao
VBPunk81: and take that fish crotch smell with you
ppenguin757: wow
ppenguin757: that was...intense
lil evil BRIAN: i knew she was lieing
lil evil BRIAN: i almost knew she would
lil evil BRIAN: that gaywad
VBPunk81: hahahaha
VBPunk81: the idol after 1 week ... that bitch cant spell her name
VBPunk81: how could she find the hidden idol :-P
lil evil BRIAN: it was actually like 20 minutes
lil evil BRIAN: cause she was only there for one day lol
VBPunk81: yea, that was a sign :-P
lil evil BRIAN: are you guys sure though that bayoneta is against the mini gamerS?
TimDuncan242: yup
lil evil BRIAN: good
lil evil BRIAN: 1 down 3 to go
VBPunk81: I think at least two are ... and thats all we need
VBPunk81: one seems iffy to me and I dont know why
TimDuncan242: who?
VBPunk81: out of Spider, Jakey and Cows ... who seems the most ... unusual or prying
VBPunk81: someone who seems to be asking a lot of question lately...
VBPunk81: any bells going off?
lil evil BRIAN: jakey
VBPunk81: yea, I dont know about him....
lil evil BRIAN: hes really getting on my nerves
lil evil BRIAN: he asked me SOOOO many questions
lil evil BRIAN: that i wanted to just slap him
VBPunk81: yea, and that was a big red flag for me
VBPunk81: why would he ask about us unless he was possibly told to...
TimDuncan242: he could be panicking
VBPunk81: yea, that too
VBPunk81: lets hope for that :D
lil evil BRIAN: and he wasnt even asking normal stuff
lil evil BRIAN: not somthing like
lil evil BRIAN: where are you from
lil evil BRIAN: how old aer you
lil evil BRIAN: its more like
lil evil BRIAN: who are your enemies
lil evil BRIAN: do you think im an alias
lil evil BRIAN: should i tell the truth...?
VBPunk81: o_O an alias?
lil evil BRIAN: i think hes an alias for sure
lil evil BRIAN: and he let it slip
lil evil BRIAN: stupidly
VBPunk81: woah, I didnt think about that
VBPunk81: **** man :-(
lil evil BRIAN: he seems paranoid about that
lil evil BRIAN: and hes not really good at being an alias
VBPunk81: well :-) My name is Brendan, Im from Virginia Beach and this is my first game :D Im proud of being a newbie...
VBPunk81: I hate playing games with the same people all the damn time
VBPunk81: thats how all the RR/RW games I paly are
VBPunk81: >_< and its total CRAP
VBPunk81: survivor is .... 16 STRANGERS
VBPunk81: not supposed to be ... a group of friends from college hang out in the jungle
VBPunk81: watch them fight it out for the beer rewards and who gets to stay on vacay the longest
lil evil BRIAN: yeah
lil evil BRIAN: thats what the mini gamers are
VBPunk81: yea, I know and thats why they gotsta go :-P
lil evil BRIAN: i can kinda handle lordy
lil evil BRIAN: and thats about it
lil evil BRIAN: if we merge
lil evil BRIAN: would you guys vote out jakey
lil evil BRIAN: because he is like trieing to powerplay a lot
VBPunk81: yea, hes being too nosy
lil evil BRIAN: well i mean like
lil evil BRIAN: just has jakey been talking to you since the start of the game?
VBPunk81: not to me at all
lil evil BRIAN: like from day 1, he started talking to me
VBPunk81: nobody but people on this tribe have EVER talked to me
VBPunk81: why not me? I dont get it
VBPunk81: I mean Im pretty cool right :-(
VBPunk81: well me and Duncan bonded day 1 cuz they girls were so nuts!
lil evil BRIAN: maybe because
lil evil BRIAN: the original viveros has like no contact lol
lil evil BRIAN: respectively lol
lil evil BRIAN: like casaya and la mina got disolved
lil evil BRIAN: and viveros never went to tc
VBPunk81: yea, until today BAH
lil evil BRIAN: i feel sorry for you guys
lil evil BRIAN: you guys where stuck with rhi and nessa
VBPunk81: Rhi served her purpose though :-)
VBPunk81: she was more helpful than some ...
VBPunk81: *cough* vagnessa....
VBPunk81: I mean Vanessa :-)
VBPunk81: as a tribe mate, I mean Rhi was fast ... so she wasnt all that bad
VBPunk81: it was when we were NOT at challenges that she was annoying
VBPunk81: and thats like most of the time HAHA
VBPunk81: and she lied SO much
TimDuncan242: 'im goin to call out nessa, want to join?'
VBPunk81: yea
TimDuncan242: 'this is my first org in 3 years'
VBPunk81: B.S.
TimDuncan242: 'vb is takin control of this tribe'
VBPunk81: o_O she said that?
TimDuncan242: remember that?
TimDuncan242: that was the all nite fight
TimDuncan242: wit fear
VBPunk81: yea, I remember now
VBPunk81: well she obviously thought I was the leader, thats why voted me tonight
VBPunk81: little do they know, we dont have a leader
VBPunk81: we just kinda ... make it happen :-)
VBPunk81: like Casays did in the real Panama
VBPunk81: todays challenge proved that we need to work better as a team though :-\
VBPunk81: we were all so lost
ppenguin757: we can win next time