TimDuncan242 has entered the room.
VBPunk81 has entered the room.
VBPunk81: *sigh*
VBPunk81: I suck, I cant type fast enough to win anything :-(
TimDuncan242: i guess we miss first individual immunity
VBPunk81: yea, so we get screwed over
VBPunk81: wait ... we come in AFTER?
TimDuncan242: yup
VBPunk81: even after the merge
VBPunk81: this a death sentence then
VBPunk81: later in the game
VBPunk81: *sigh*
TimDuncan242: yup
TimDuncan242: rite now its not a big deal
VBPunk81: yea but later on it will change the game completely
TimDuncan242: i know
VBPunk81: send someone to exile, they have no way to defend themselves at council
TimDuncan242: but if the idol isnt found, u would want to be here
VBPunk81: I didnt even think about that before
TimDuncan242: at least we'll be safe then
TimDuncan242: fear and penguin dude will exile each other
VBPunk81: it always seems to come down to speed typing
VBPunk81: so I got no chance in this game
VBPunk81: and why did the host bother to say be specific ...
TimDuncan242: maybe challenges at merge are different
VBPunk81: ...and then accept watch instead of clock
VBPunk81: LOL
VBPunk81: I really really hope so
VBPunk81: cuz to be exiled and then voted out ... it makes rewards matter and immunities not matter much at all
TimDuncan242: otherwise its a fear vs penguin dude show
VBPunk81: you could just keep exiling people and
voting them off
TimDuncan242: yup
VBPunk81: you know what sucks ... I knew almost all of those, I just couldnt get the answers into the room faster than Fear :-(
TimDuncan242: penguin dude seemed like he didnt know most of those riddles
VBPunk81: he didnt
VBPunk81: he said he was fast though
VBPunk81: so I IMed him the answers
VBPunk81: thats why he suddenly got a wind LOL
TimDuncan242: lol
VBPunk81: I knew them, but couldnt find the picture fast enough
VBPunk81: :-)
VBPunk81: and then the watch ... we had that, but the host was like make sure
VBPunk81: and we thought clock cus of the winding
TimDuncan242: u know whats worse than bein here...
VBPunk81: what?
TimDuncan242: u can wind watches too though
VBPunk81: yea, I guess so
TimDuncan242: to be stuck wit penguin and nessa
VBPunk81: lmao
TimDuncan242: like brian is for the next two days
VBPunk81: poor Brian
TimDuncan242: dont we get a clue?
VBPunk81: yea are supposed to
VBPunk81: but I guess the reward for Bayoneta is just taking up oh so much time
TimDuncan242: yup
VBPunk81: *barfs*
TimDuncan242: so rhi has been sendin u death threats
VBPunk81: well in a sense, yes
VBPunk81: my death in the game
VBPunk81: which is why I was sent here, no doubt
VBPunk81: Rhi blames me for the whole thing
VBPunk81: and swears to get me voted out next
TimDuncan242: that wont happen
TimDuncan242: if anythin theyll target penguin dude
VBPunk81: yea I know
TimDuncan242: theyll just put u in exile for the rest of the game lol
VBPunk81: yea, I dont really care
VBPunk81: if I have to spend all the time in exile and they go first ... Im happy :-)
TimDuncan242: lol
TimDuncan242: itll be so quiet if everything goes accordin to plan
VBPunk81: yea I know :D yea I know
VBPunk81: LMAO
VBPunk81: the first one didnt show up
VBPunk81: so I typed it again and they both showed up
TimDuncan242: lol
TimDuncan242: im goin to go on a limb here...
VBPunk81: well I am going ape nuts crazy next challenge
TimDuncan242: and predict that penguin dude or fear are goin to win immunity
VBPunk81: because I want Fear gone so badly
VBPunk81: yea, you think :-P
VBPunk81: if we won ... we would have put Fear, Lordy and Vanessa here
VBPunk81: and it would have made things SO easy
VBPunk81: :-( too easy I guess
TimDuncan242: i guess i was the only person left to not be exiled
TimDuncan242: is this ur 3rd time here?