==Actual Date: July 19, 2006==
==Actual Day: 59/89==

==Gitanos - Day 25==

Xxjakeyjakeyxx: hey
lil evil BRIAN: hey guys
TimDuncan242: yo
VBPunk81: hey guys :D
TimDuncan242: yo
lil evil BRIAN: cows!
lil evil BRIAN: :-)
TimDuncan242: omg
TimDuncan242: ive seen a ghost
TimDuncan242: jk
SpiderFab4: hi
TimDuncan242: whats up cows
lil evil BRIAN: hey man
lil evil BRIAN: why isnt david in here?
SpiderFab4: Hey Cows
VBPunk81: I dunno o_O
TimDuncan242: maybe he is bein offered an exemption
cowsgomoo46: nutin
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: how have you been cows?
lil evil BRIAN: he talks! lol
cowsgomoo46: good cows
VBPunk81: cows is alive! :-D
cowsgomoo46: yeah the farmer said i wasnt fat enough to be slaughtered yet
lil evil BRIAN: whats your name? :-)
lil evil BRIAN: good :-)
cowsgomoo46: mee?
lil evil BRIAN: yeeah
cowsgomoo46: oh Tom
lil evil BRIAN: cool cool
cowsgomoo46: or cows
cowsgomoo46: if you'd like to make a call please hang up and try again if you need help hang up and then dail your operator
lil evil BRIAN: save 50% with geico
SpiderFab4: Hi, I'm a Mac
SpiderFab4: And I'm a PC
cowsgomoo46: son of a squirell
VBPunk81: hmm o_O
lil evil BRIAN: lol
cowsgomoo46: ba dap bapbap baaaaaa im lovin it
VBPunk81: penguin must be napping in the bamboo hut LOL
cowsgomoo46: ha ah
cowsgomoo46: ha ha
lil evil BRIAN: mcdonalds :-)
VBPunk81: mmmmm burgers :-P
TimDuncan242: A&W
SpiderFab4: Other places too :-)
cowsgomoo46: like.....
TimDuncan242: planet earth
VBPunk81: lmao
VBPunk81: so anybody wanna guess what tonight will be?
TimDuncan242: im gonna go wit reward
cowsgomoo46: burger king and taco bell, long john silvers, pizza hut, dominoes
VBPunk81: my guess is ... reward!
SpiderFab4: Partly Cloudy
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: RC
cowsgomoo46: ummm.....
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: LOL spider
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: know you know that guy will switch it
lil evil BRIAN: lets eat a penguin.
ppenguin757: hola
ppenguin757: um, how about no.
lil evil BRIAN: oh hey david :-)
cowsgomoo46: that penguin person
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: so that he can "suprise" us LOL
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: hey
SpiderFab4: Hey Peng
cowsgomoo46: he is so lazy
VBPunk81: hey penguin
cowsgomoo46: jk
cowsgomoo46: i do that to all my friends
ppenguin757: *picks up a stick and tosses into fire*
ppenguin757: YAY I did something
cowsgomoo46: when they are here i say "that (insert friends name here) kid is so gay"
lil evil BRIAN: lets watch tv.
cowsgomoo46: ok
SpiderFab4: k
VBPunk81: woohoo, this challenge is AWESOME :-P
TimDuncan242: do u ever wonder how they know where you are on those "you are here" maps
VBPunk81: LMAO
cowsgomoo46: how did you know
VBPunk81: Well no matter where you are ... you are always HERE
VBPunk81: and not THERE
cowsgomoo46: when you go to a a fast food resturant that serves drinks
cowsgomoo46: screw them up by saying....
cowsgomoo46: "ill have an extra medium"
SpiderFab4: I dont get it
VBPunk81: LMAO
TimDuncan242: but then the drink may not be as big as u want it to quench ur thurst
VBPunk81: that was in Friday after NExt :-P
VBPunk81: He got the shirt and it was size XM
cowsgomoo46: small medium large extra large
VBPunk81: LMAO
SpiderFab4: I;d say I want a medium soda but pour it in a large cup
cowsgomoo46: EXTRA medium
cowsgomoo46: ok
VBPunk81: and he was like "Extra Medium" ... what the hell is ...
cowsgomoo46: i did that they gave me a large for the price of a medium
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: lol cows
VBPunk81: ha ha ha ha :-P
cowsgomoo46: it happened
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: cool
TimDuncan242: lol
cowsgomoo46: then they said i was crazy...
cowsgomoo46: so i said suck my utter
SpiderFab4: lol
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: lol
TimDuncan242: longest delayed laugh ever lol
SpiderFab4: I was away
cowsgomoo46: i know really
TimDuncan242: funny if someone did take a minute to get that lol
cowsgomoo46: yep
cowsgomoo46: or
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: i got it lo
cowsgomoo46: yup
cowsgomoo46: or yes
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: lol*
cowsgomoo46: or yeas
cowsgomoo46: or
cowsgomoo46: yeahass
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: i got his joke, i just decided to take a few seconds to respond LOL
cowsgomoo46: lol
cowsgomoo46: oooooooooooooook
ppenguin757: well Cows earned his attendance
SpiderFab4: lol
TimDuncan242: is brian off gamblin?
SpiderFab4: Hooray Cows
cowsgomoo46: i did
cowsgomoo46: how?
lil evil BRIAN: how did you know tim?
cowsgomoo46: tim?
ppenguin757: ok
cowsgomoo46: ok
ppenguin757: everyone
TimDuncan242: <- duncan/tim
ppenguin757: treemail ^_^
cowsgomoo46: everyone
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: cool
cowsgomoo46: 6_6
lil evil BRIAN: you cant interrupt
lil evil BRIAN: :-(

ppenguin757: TREE MAIL:
ppenguin757: ==GO!: TIME FOR THE CHALLENGE==

ppenguin757: so.
lil evil BRIAN: whats up with all the !
SpiderFab4: I dont know!
lil evil BRIAN: lol!
cowsgomoo46: know!
cowsgomoo46: lol!
TimDuncan242: !
cowsgomoo46: last word of every message
cowsgomoo46: !
Xxjakeyjakeyxx: sorry for interrupting the treemail :-( LOL
TimDuncan242: he said time for the challenge but it hasnt started!
cowsgomoo46: started!
lil evil BRIAN: that treemail did not rhyme at all
cowsgomoo46: all
lil evil BRIAN: here we goes
SpiderFab4 has left the room.
cowsgomoo46 has left the room.
lil evil BRIAN has left the room.
TimDuncan242 has left the room.
VBPunk81 has left the room.
ppenguin757 has left the room.
XxJakeyJakeyxx has left the room.