When news of the first reward challenge arrives at Maraamu, one member automatically starts taking the lead of the tribe.
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: and our trivia people arent here
PrinceTy01: I'm not a trivia person?
sonicmastanumba1: im not
SURVIVOR1311: me either
PrinceTy01: ah... fear not, Maraamu!.... The Prince will lead you to victoryAs the next Immunity approaches, Rotu plans to even things up through practice.
LogoLarson: we'd better win immunity
Megamanx1691: SURVIVORS READY!
Megamanx1691: [1] PAT SAJAC
SkaCore218: pat sjac
SkaCore218: pat sajacv
SkaCore218: pat sajac
SkaCore218: YEAH!And yet another full attendance tribal council will make things extra intense.
Survivor Guy 886: ONCE AGAIN 100% ATTENDANCE AT TC