Next time on Online Survivor...

Frog laments over her decision to vote out Saline
FrOgLeTt86: i think i wrecked my tribe just by being me. (I was put in) a tribe of all guys~ and then i go and get attached and then i listen to rumors and i start to believe them and then i become a gossip and tell the world~ and then some how i became the center of tonights voting reason~ and thats how i wrecked a tribe
Although in the other tribe, DJpeej discovers Prince's plan and begins to devise a way to break up the alliance
DJpeej: I feel like he's rigged the game, and I'm getting a little tired of it.
And an Immunity Challenge that tests everyone's nerves
sonicmastanumba1: what do i do?
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: wait
Dial 555: go dowm
Dial 555: down
sonicmastanumba1: how many
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: perhaps theres another up tunnel...
Dial 555: I don't know
Megamanx1691: should i roll again?
Ashton Gyoro DBZ: try down
Megamanx1691: c'mon no more goof ups
SkaCore218: cut the crap