(Actual Date: May 29, 2003)
(Actual Day: 11/97)

(Tambaqui-Day 6)

X iitalianbabi X has entered the room.
bane221 has entered the room.
SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
Blue Eyed Pop has entered the room.
SpiderFab4: :-(
X iitalianbabi X: why does that always happen
Blue Eyed Pop: Crap
X iitalianbabi X: u always get the ?s u dont kno
X iitalianbabi X: seriously-how the **** would u kno my ? w/o lookin @ the site
Blue Eyed Pop: You would look at the site
X iitalianbabi X: like sum1 aktually memerized everynumber?
Blue Eyed Pop: :-)
X iitalianbabi X: well i didnt..
X iitalianbabi X: i didnt cheat
Blue Eyed Pop: Well, honey, they did
bane221: when did he say we couldn't look back at the site?
Blue Eyed Pop: It's ok though
Blue Eyed Pop: He said we wouldn't have time
Blue Eyed Pop: That's all he said
bane221: but he didnt say we couldnt
bane221: hence you could try
Blue Eyed Pop: I know...that's what I did every time
bane221: me too
bane221: we all should have
Blue Eyed Pop: I wish we could do Tribal Council now
