~Outcast - Day 15~
CuJoe34 has entered the room.
CuJoe34: that was so much fun
CuJoe34: i love how they all hate me
CuJoe34: especially the people i was aligned with
CuJoe34: they hate me the most
CuJoe34: ahh bliss
Clearwater88: lol
Clearwater88: what ahppened?
Clearwater88: what did we take?
Clearwater88: did i get any messageS?:-)
CuJoe34: yeah everyone says they love you
CuJoe34: i could tell that they were pissed off at me for targeting them
CuJoe34: and plum and ecu are mad because one of them will go
CuJoe34: but whatever
CuJoe34: i really don't care
CuJoe34: so lets talk strategy
CuJoe34: ok then
CuJoe34: i guess we won't