~Cyber N 666's Last Words~

This game, over all, was just a big annoying mess. In the beginning, Drake did so well, but once the Outcasts came about, everything crashed down. I did horrible in this game challenge wise-yet people thought I was a threat? wow...I WAS trying, that is the sad part...LOL. All stars awaits me, and I shall hopefully make my championship run then. I'll talk to you all later. Bye byes! (Click here for the full last words)

Name Voted For: Comment
Cyber N 666 Michael Fred 333 Moment of truth tonight...I hate this...I have to rely on someone I just started talking to today...Buffy.... My vote tonight, shall be based on the pure fact that you are a threat, you need some past votes if I get voted out, and you called me Dale...that's just creepy...only Yosh and Clear call me Dale...not you...lol Anyway, I am just throwing this vote out there with Clear, Elec, Yosh, and hopefully Buffy. Buffy is probably screwing us over, and I am prepared to take that if he is. It is either Buffy is lying, and Yosh or I leave, or Buffy is really going to help us, and Mike leaves. Either way, I made it to the point I wanted to, merge, if Buffy helps us out tonight, then I will have a great shot at winning this one, but if he doesn't, then I shall be departing tonight...I had a bad feeling all week, and that won't change until after this TC. I hope to be here again before allstars... Mike, you have been a jerk to me recently, you are just...ugh...and I really hope I survive in this thing longer than you. Go to ::EDITED:: ~666
CuJoe34 Cyber N 666 cybern, you never really accepted me from day one. You seem pretty cool but right now I know that yosh and clear will never take me over you so I have to get rid of you if I want to join them succesfully. Sorry about continuing your trend of doing worse and worse in these games, but maybe it is time you got a new strategy, maybe learn from your own comments and not align with all the old players, just a thought. Anyway it was nice meeting you, peace.
ecukid1983 Cyber N 666 cybern, it was either between you or someone else and this is what we came to a conclusion too and also u are very strong and could definitely be a threat. y ou are a nice guy and im sorry if i ever did anything to hurt u.
YoshMan4 Michael Fred 333 mike...he is smart...he only imed me once, saying hi, watch what you say!!! seriously, say it to the person if you need to, good advice mike! I take it and vote you off :)
Clearwater88 Michael Fred 333 Hello viewers tonight with my vote I'll be honest, I do not like Mike for 1 reason, and 1 reason only, he took me out of that one tribal challenge and that pissed me off, even though Buffy has lied to me as has Cujoe but I can't vote them... In order for my alliance of Cybern, Yosh, Elec, and me to stay in the game we have 2 ally Buffy and he better not let us down, because I have worked so hard to make alliances and make everyone like me and if it comes down to jury I really hope I'll get the majority of votes, but I can't even think that far ahead because Buffy and Cujoe both said they were voting Ecu last time and lied and voted Logo which left me screwed and if Buffy doesn't pull through this Tribal Council, I have no chance at all. MY VOTE IS MIKE
Michael Fred 333 Cyber N 666 Tonight someones game reaches end. That persons name is Cyber N.
BuffyBoy83 Cyber N 666 WOW... what a 3 days... I did some DIRTY dealing this round lol, Im not exactly sure what that means but it seems to suit what happened this week. There are 2 alliances thinking Im voting with them meaning Im pretty much alligned to EVERYONE. Obviously I can only go with one of them and while Id love to get "Mike" out of the game this round, its just not smart, Ill have to wait one more week... So sorry but, and I know Im pissing a few people off but... CYBERN its your time to go.. CYBERN
eLeCTRiCMaYHeM04 Michael Fred 333 I'm voting for Mike, no other reason besides he's boring and a threat at challenges
Caseboy6 Cyber N 666 I'm voting cybern because I heard he was the biggest threat out of everybody even though I dont think so.....but anyways i said a couple of words to him so obvoiously he doesnt wanna talk to me so bye cybern...oh yea, if somebody who hasnt won a game of OLS that has been in it for like 6 Online Survivors should just give up cuz they wont win *cough* cybern *cough*!!!!