~Cyber N 666's Last Words~

This game, over all, was just a big annoying mess. In the beginning, Drake did so well, but once the Outcasts came about, everything crashed down. I did horrible in this game challenge wise-yet people thought I was a threat? wow...I WAS trying, that is the sad part...LOL

I'd like to give some farewell comments about the final 8, in order in which I think they should leave, and including who I think should win...

8) Michael Fred 333: You...I don't know about...I have many clues saying you are Spider, and I am sticking to that. You were a good friend on mine back in OS3, and you have been an &^$ since then. You are the BIGGEST reason Ty was brought into this game, as was in OS6 when you screwed me over there. I have lost so much respect for you, and I can no longer trust you. However, if you aren't spider, then yay, I am a [email protected]$$. lol But even so, I had no reason to like you through this game, YOU are the TRHEAT, and I hope you leave next.

7) BuffyBoy83: Its one thing to lie in this game to get ahead, its another thing to lie when you DON'T NEED TO. I totally lost all respect for how you play this game when you told an alliance that already was in the pits that you might help them out. It's like telling a dying guy that he won't die, then shooting him in the face. Then you have the nerve to come back and talk to Yosh again!? UGH! You not only screwed us though, if we go one by one now, you WON'T WIN. You are horrible, and I really hope you don't make it past this point.

6) Caseboy6: What the &$(# is with all these "boys"? Case boy, buffy boy, feels like I am in a kiddie version of Mega Man. lol, anyway, Case, you are a carbon copy of Darrah. I have spoken to you out of chatrooms once, and in chatrooms...once...when you answered me saying, "Case, are you there?" Darrah didn't deserve to make it further than jury, and neither do you. Lucky for you, you are alligned with two &$^holes that should leave before you. That's all I have to say about that.

5) Ecukid1983: Holy *[email protected]&, two boys and now a kid, *$^@, I'm on a role. Ecu, we voted you for one reason, you had a past vote. Now you have 6, and maybe more by the time you actually leave. I would put you further than Cu, but the pure fact that you are one of the main reasons Ty got drug into this game is reason enough for you to be voted out before the final 4. In your own words, not mine, you are the weakest link, goodbye!

4) CuJoe34: About time we had a screen name without boys and kids...feels like I am in Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch. Anyway...I never hated you, and the only reason we got you out of Drake was because we had to choose between Ecu and you, and we desided on you. I never talked to you much, and I heard that is one of the reasons why you voted me, oh well, no biggie, one less person I need to deal with these days...:P

3) eLeCTRICMaYHeM04: I hardly ever talked to you, so I don't really have much to say. Good luck on making it far, but don't go winning this thing...I'd rather save that for someone else.

2) YoshMan4: YOSHI!!! You are the MAN!!! lol, compared to the two boys and the kid, that is...lol. Hope ya make it to the final 2, but ya really don't need another trophey...unless ya wanna give it to me. :) You did a great job so far in this one, and hopefully you can pull something off here and make it to the end. Just don't go pulling another OS5 thing on us, cause we were all quite pissed off @ you. Just play it safe and you can get a good finish!

1) Clearwater88: Clear, you deserve this. If I can't win one of these things, then you need to. You are so honest, so trustworthy, and just an overall good player. But come on, you have the most Sp, and nobody thinks you are a threat. ARGH!!! lol, I don't mind though, just don't go breaking my 200 SP mark. Win it for me, Clear! WIN IT FOR CANADA!!! Oh CANADA, OH CANADA!!! yay! lol.

With that, I say goodbye. All stars awaits me, and I shall hopefully make my championship run then. I'll talk to you all later. Bye byes!