***Actual Date: May 27, 2004***
***Actual Day: 11/89***

***SABOGA - Day 6***

Cyber N 666 has entered the room.
PrinceTy01 has entered the room.
Boodu2boo has entered the room.
Cyber N 666: YAY TRIBE!!!
PrinceTy01: Bood is the man.
PrinceTy01: He came, he saw, he pasted.
PrinceTy01: Good show, Bood.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: *tips his crown* tonight, you are the king.
Boodu2boo: no no please
Cyber N 666: OMG!
Boodu2boo: im just a man with a copy and paste button built into his keyboard
Cyber N 666: Bobby Labonte ran into a bird on the track
Cyber N 666: it just burst into pieces
PrinceTy01: wow
Cyber N 666: the bird was sitting on the track and started to fly away then burst
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: cyber this is my moment to shine, please
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: lol
Cyber N 666: Sorry, I'll just go back to watching condensed races
PrinceTy01: It's ok, Cybern.
Boodu2boo: I have frog convinced that clear is voting her out tonight
Boodu2boo: FrOgLeTt86: really?Boodu2boo: as long as he isnt screwing me in the butt
yaFrOgLeTt86: oh :-(
PrinceTy01: So cruel, Bood.
PrinceTy01: My prediction for tonight's TC....
PrinceTy01: Odds, Clear, Evens, Frog.
*OnlineHost*: PrinceTy01 rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4 4
PrinceTy01: Evens....well, there we have it, folk.s
PrinceTy01: folks*
PrinceTy01: The dice do not lie.
PrinceTy01: Sayonarra, Frogicita.
PrinceTy01: Heh, mixed Spanish and Japanese.
Cyber N 666: is the meeting over?
Boodu2boo: no
Cyber N 666: its past 8
PrinceTy01: Let us go, Guy.
Boodu2boo: Boodu2boo: are you joining cheperas alliance after the mergelecukid1983: i didnt know chapera had an alliance
Boodu2boo: Boodu2boo: oh i heard that from someone, forget who... nevermind then
PrinceTy01: lmao
Boodu2boo: this is the situation so far at mogo mogo
Boodu2boo: Frog: think everyone is voting for her
Boodu2boo: clear: told him that he was to be voted off if he didnt show
Boodu2boo: cujoe: thinks that saline is in alliance with me
Boodu2boo: ecu: thinks theirs an alliance involing everyone but him
Cyber N 666: wow, forgot this was still on
Cyber N 666: lol
Boodu2boo: dampe: was told be me, that saline was to be voted out
Boodu2boo: saline: has no idea whats going on lol
Boodu2boo: i send IMS to them all, cept saline
Boodu2boo: see yas at 10
Boodu2boo has left the room.
Cyber N 666: Are we still at the meeting?
Cyber N 666: lol
Cyber N 666: Guy never said it was over, did he?
PrinceTy01: No, he didn't.
Cyber N 666: o
Cyber N 666: hmm...
PrinceTy01: It's the only reason I'm lingering here.
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: I'm not missing out on my attendance.
PrinceTy01: Oh, and btw.
Cyber N 666: He probably just forgot to or something
PrinceTy01: Congrats on 5 SP.
Cyber N 666: ah, you too
Cyber N 666: :-)
PrinceTy01: heh heh
PrinceTy01: I think Mogo Mogo threw that challenge.
Cyber N 666: I noticed Frog never tried
Cyber N 666: maybe they threw it to get rid of Clear
Cyber N 666: Clear was trying
Cyber N 666: It looked that way, anyway
Cyber N 666: Guy is going to come back at 10 and see this chat open and be like, "This isn't will power guys, you can leave"
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: lmao
Cyber N 666: Only three more weeks of school...
Cyber N 666: I'm not going to make it
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: haha
Cyber N 666: maybe he'll randomly give us SP for staying online:-)
PrinceTy01: Yes.
Cyber N 666: Time to wonder off and leave the chatroom open
Cyber N 666: lol
PrinceTy01: amen to that.

***NEXT*** 1