***Actual Date: June 2, 2004***
***Actual Day: 17/89***

***CHAPERA - Day 8***

SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
YoshMan4 has entered the room.
BuffyBoy83: gj guys!!!
Caseboy6: we won again!
BuffyBoy83: yea congrats
SpiderFab4: yay!!
SpiderFab4: Sorry im not cheering more
SpiderFab4: Its very very hot in my room
YoshMan4: it's ok
SpiderFab4: Im sweating like Roger Ebert
YoshMan4: we did good
YoshMan4: we are on a roll
YoshMan4: tic tac toe 3 in a row
SpiderFab4: yay
YoshMan4: yay
BuffyBoy83: yay! :-) lol
SpiderFab4: A whole pack of Tic Tacs
SpiderFab4: lol
BuffyBoy83: lol
YoshMan4: ha
SpiderFab4: FYI Yosh, the Detroit Pistons are in the Finals
YoshMan4: i know :-)
YoshMan4: i heard today lol
SpiderFab4: cool
YoshMan4: when is it
YoshMan4: the game
YoshMan4: go pistons
SpiderFab4: Im not sure but I know, that they have to play the Lakers
YoshMan4: oh
YoshMan4: thats nto good
SpiderFab4: So who has either G4 or TEch TV?
YoshMan4: we have tech tv
BuffyBoy83: i have digital tv
BuffyBoy83: or something that sounds like that lol
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: and i have tivo :-) lol
YoshMan4: i want that
YoshMan4: too expensive though
BuffyBoy83: what i was talking about b4 its liek digital cable or digital tv or something
YoshMan4: ooh yeah tech tv is a channel btw
BuffyBoy83: D-TV i think is the shortened name lol
BuffyBoy83: ooooo
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: lol
BuffyBoy83: like*
SpiderFab4: Should I upgrade to high speed?
YoshMan4: yes
BuffyBoy83: sure... lol
YoshMan4: internet wise
YoshMan4: yes
YoshMan4: it helps A LOT
YoshMan4: for impatient people
YoshMan4: like me
BuffyBoy83: do u think prince is going to be the one voted off?
YoshMan4: no
YoshMan4: sadly
YoshMan4: prob someone that nevershows will
BuffyBoy83: y wont ty go?
YoshMan4: i dunno...
BuffyBoy83: couldnt bood and cybern vote him off
YoshMan4: dunno if they will
YoshMan4: but they could
YoshMan4: so case is with us right?
BuffyBoy83: yes case is with us
YoshMan4: good
YoshMan4: but come merge should we stay with elec? or who should we join we need to join with someone to get majority at merge
YoshMan4: and i am not joining ty lol
YoshMan4: so dont say him :-P lol
BuffyBoy83: i really dont know it depends who makes the merge
BuffyBoy83: but if elect is still there i think we can trust him
YoshMan4: yeah i do too i think he trusts me so we can use him in are alliance
YoshMan4: and saline HATES ty so i think he'd stay with us but not sure
BuffyBoy83: and we could prob get like ecu also
BuffyBoy83: if we need him
YoshMan4: ecu?
YoshMan4: isnt he tys lacky lol
BuffyBoy83: not anymore
YoshMan4: ooh
BuffyBoy83: i think he and saline were working together
BuffyBoy83: thats why saline was taken away from mogo mogo
YoshMan4: yeah ty wants saline gone
YoshMan4: he thinks we will vote him off right away

***NEXT*** 1