***Actual Date: June 1, 2004***
***Actual Day: 16/89***
***CHAPERA - Day 7***
BuffyBoy83: i dont get it
Caseboy6: i do
BuffyBoy83: placing elect with clear? what was behind that
Caseboy6: get rid of saline
BuffyBoy83: oooo so they would banish ecu and we would vote off saline
Caseboy6: yup
Caseboy6: so i think the prince wanted to break up cujoe/ecu/saline alliance so he still can be in control
BuffyBoy83: that move isnt going to get him in control
Caseboy6: i know that
BuffyBoy83: ahh!!!! my sp partner is gone!!!! lol
BuffyBoy83: hes over at mogo mogo
Caseboy6: i still would rather have elec rather than yosh lol
BuffyBoy83: yosh is nice, he has nothing against u i dont think
BuffyBoy83: so i dont know y u dont like him
Caseboy6: because i just dont
Caseboy6: if it wasnt for the sp, i would vote him off
Caseboy6: and i never said i wanted an alliance with him
BuffyBoy83: wait u arent in alliance with us?
Caseboy6: i dunno yet
Caseboy6: we'll find out when we lose
BuffyBoy83: wait what!?
BuffyBoy83: u might not vote with me?
Caseboy6: it depends
Caseboy6: to be honest, i feel safer with the prince than yosh
Caseboy6: i know how stupid that sounds
Caseboy6: but thats what i'm thinking now
Caseboy6: but i do want prince out
BuffyBoy83: wait so our plan to vote off khold...
Caseboy6: i'll probably vote off khold since he is a no-show and spider will vote yosh and i want the sp
Caseboy6: but i dunno yet
BuffyBoy83: this is like an all new case out of nowhere
Caseboy6: new strategy
Caseboy6: all i can say is i will never vote for you no matter what
Caseboy6: but if your in the finals i will, most likely
Caseboy6: that is, if i'm in the jury
BuffyBoy83: ok thanks
BuffyBoy83: id vote for u in the finals also
BuffyBoy83: but wait... i dont like this new strategy
Caseboy6: why not?
BuffyBoy83: cause i thought we had a good alliance going on
Caseboy6: i'm sure every little thing i tell you, you probably are telling yosh or something like that
BuffyBoy83: what?!!!?!????!
BuffyBoy83: u think i tell yosh what u say???!!!
Caseboy6: yes
BuffyBoy83: ok i have no idea who this new case is
BuffyBoy83: i dont tell yosh what u say, yosh isnt like my main ally
Caseboy6: i didnt say he was
BuffyBoy83: well i dont tell everything yosh everything u tell me
BuffyBoy83: if i tell him anything its like yea case says he will vote off khold with us
BuffyBoy83: that kinda stuff
Caseboy6: but i never said i will
BuffyBoy83: what?!?!
Caseboy6: i said i MIGHT
Caseboy6: or PROBABLY
BuffyBoy83: is this case?
Caseboy6: yes lol
Caseboy6: if you dont believe me, just ask me something or tell me to do something
BuffyBoy83: what? lol
Caseboy6: nvm lol
Caseboy6: i just dont want you telling yosh things
Caseboy6: like i will vote khold out
Caseboy6: and i have an alliance with him
BuffyBoy83: well i thought we were gonna vote with him to get rid of khold
Caseboy6: but now it will probably be a tie
BuffyBoy83: wait so now u WONT vote khold off?
Caseboy6: i said i MIGHT
Caseboy6: i wont know until what i feel like what is right
Caseboy6: but obviously my last strategy didnt work last game
BuffyBoy83: yea and for 15 other ppl their strategy didnt work either
BuffyBoy83: i was happy with my strategy though
BuffyBoy83: even though i didnt win
Caseboy6: not mine, thats why i'm switching it
BuffyBoy83: switching it to what?
Caseboy6: i dont know who i'm with because i havent made any decisions yet
BuffyBoy83: and theres a good chance it wouldnt be a tie either way
BuffyBoy83: how many times has khold showed?
Caseboy6: 1 or 2 times
Caseboy6: but would you rather keep someone who is a no show or someone who will vote you out
Caseboy6: thats what i'm thinking about
BuffyBoy83: i dont think yosh would vote u out
Caseboy6: he did before
BuffyBoy83: not until at least about the same time khold would
Caseboy6: and he can do it again
BuffyBoy83: but that was last game
Caseboy6: so
Caseboy6: you talk to him
Caseboy6: i dont, and dont plan on it
SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
YoshMan4 has entered the room.
BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
Saline33 has entered the room.
SpiderFab4: Well then
SpiderFab4: That was an eventful challenge
Saline33: how's it going?
YoshMan4: hmm hi saline
Caseboy6: hello
Saline33: sorry to intrude on you guys like this
BuffyBoy83: hey saline welcome to camp!
YoshMan4: welcome!
SpiderFab4: hey Saline
SpiderFab4: Welcome to Chapera where the players play and we ride on them thangs nerely everyday
YoshMan4: lol
Saline33: lol...
Saline33: I am Jason by the way
YoshMan4: welcome jason
YoshMan4: our tribe is..interesting lol
BuffyBoy83: lol
Saline33: nothing wrong with being interesting
YoshMan4: yup
YoshMan4: fun times hmm
YoshMan4: talkative after this change
Caseboy6: i'm not very talkative
YoshMan4: lol it
YoshMan4: s ok
Caseboy6: if you didnt know that
BuffyBoy83: the room did get kinda silent lol
SpiderFab4: Anyone eat pizza lately?
Saline33: I have yet to talk to Khold
Saline33: I had Pizza a few days ago
YoshMan4: eh
YoshMan4: i talked to lkhold twice
YoshMan4: once was "tell my tribe i cant make the meeting"
YoshMan4: the other
Caseboy6: i never talked to him
YoshMan4: "what happened at IC"
BuffyBoy83: khold barely every shows
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: and ive barely talked to him if at all in IM
BuffyBoy83: khold i mean obviously
SpiderFab4: Tuesdays will be so empty for me now
YoshMan4: what?
SpiderFab4: no AMerican DIol
SpiderFab4: *Idol
YoshMan4: oh
YoshMan4: but...
YoshMan4: AI3 sucked in my opinion
Saline33: same here...I am not use to having nothing to watch
Saline33: I had to entertain myself with that WB Superstar last night
YoshMan4: lol
YoshMan4: that looks so stupid yet amusing
Saline33: it is sad too...