***Actual Date: June 9, 2004***
***Actual Day: 24/89***
***CHAPERA - Day 11***
YoshMan4 has entered the room.
SpiderFab4 has entered the room.
Kholdstare4Sword has entered the room.
BuffyBoy83 has entered the room.
Saline33 has entered the room.
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
YoshMan4: end of day whatever
SpiderFab4: Yeah I just wanan get the heck outta here
BuffyBoy83: ooo wow... our first TC
YoshMan4: me too
BuffyBoy83: its been a whole month
YoshMan4: lol
SpiderFab4: This was a depressing TC
SpiderFab4: *IC
YoshMan4: there it is
YoshMan4: it was
YoshMan4: our first lost
SpiderFab4: Ok, who goes?
BuffyBoy83: khold
BuffyBoy83: ur fine with that?
SpiderFab4: yes
BuffyBoy83: ok great he deserves to go
BuffyBoy83: hes inactive and rude
YoshMan4: kholds GOTTA GO
BuffyBoy83: omg that stupid ****er khold
BuffyBoy83: how would he know whos good at trivia
BuffyBoy83: he never ****ing shows
BuffyBoy83: when we vote khold off
BuffyBoy83: lets make him so confident that hes staying lol
YoshMan4: lol
BuffyBoy83: hes such an ***hole
YoshMan4: he is
BuffyBoy83: its about time we get to vote khold off
YoshMan4: yeah
BuffyBoy83: so can we vote khold off?
Caseboy6: if you want
BuffyBoy83: great
Caseboy6: so you voting khold?
BuffyBoy83: yes
BuffyBoy83: will u also?
Caseboy6: maybe
BuffyBoy83: but spider says hes voting for him
BuffyBoy83: y wouldnt u vote him out?
Caseboy6: so, i could care less
Caseboy6: they said i could do whatever i want, which i would do anyway
BuffyBoy83: ok
BuffyBoy83: so do u wanna talk about it?
Caseboy6: i dunno
BuffyBoy83: what r u thinking?
Caseboy6: you know what i'm thinking
Caseboy6: its still the same thing
BuffyBoy83: yea but now we have to vote someone off
BuffyBoy83: and as far as we know the whole rest of the tribe is voting khold off
Caseboy6: i know
BuffyBoy83: so y wouldnt u vote him off?
Caseboy6: i'm not sure
Caseboy6: its either yosh or khold
Caseboy6: not you, spider or saline
BuffyBoy83: u would vote yosh off even if u knew khold was going?
Caseboy6: i voted clear off when i knew ju was going
Caseboy6: didnt i?
BuffyBoy83: ok...
Caseboy6: but the only thing is...
Caseboy6: if i vote yosh then he will be mad cuz we have an "alliance"
Caseboy6: just like what happened to clear
BuffyBoy83: yea and if u vote for yosh that is a really stupid move
BuffyBoy83: that will put u at major risk
Caseboy6: for what?
Caseboy6: being voted out?
BuffyBoy83: yea
Caseboy6: i already am once khold goes
BuffyBoy83: ur just being stupid
BuffyBoy83: ur so paranoid ur like beyond talking to, i dont know how many times i can tell u ur not at risk once khold goes
BuffyBoy83: how would u be at risk?!
BuffyBoy83: i just dont get it
Caseboy6: seriously, if you were yosh who would you vote off and want gone?
Caseboy6: you? no, you have an alliance with him
Caseboy6: saline? no, hes going to stick with yosh
Caseboy6: spider? no, hes good at challenges
BuffyBoy83: thats not true!!!
Caseboy6: me? sure, i messed up today
BuffyBoy83: he would vote spider off
Caseboy6: you know what
Caseboy6: i'll vote khold just to make you happy
BuffyBoy83: if u wanna vote off yosh fine
BuffyBoy83: but what would that accomplish?!! u think hes gonna vote u off if u dont vote vote for him?
BuffyBoy83: if u vote for him the deal is sealed pretty much
BuffyBoy83: im saying i cant tell u u have to vote for khold, but if u vote for yosh i would view that as a very stupid move
Caseboy6: Buffy is nice and all but he is getting annoying. I just have to agree with what he says from now because if I dont he will vote me off even though we are each others main ally. I IMed Khold and asked him who he was voting and he said the plan is yosh. Khold isnt that bright. Spider, Saline, Yosh and Buffy are all voting Khold. I will not know who to vote off until I type the name in. All I know its either yosh or khold. If I vote khold then theres a good chance yosh will vote me next. If I vote Yosh then he will vote me next anyways. I think I will go with the chance and not the guarenteed part.
BuffyBoy83: I really dont know whats going on with Case. Why does he want to keep Khold around?! I think its all about doing his own thing, which is just stupid. He shouldnt vote for someone that isnt the best choice just to do his own thing, he should vote someone based on his best interests, not to prove anything. All I can say is I hope that Spider really is going to vote off Khold and its a 5-1 Vote for Khold to go or 6-0 with Khold not showing up at all.