Buddbuster has entered the room.
DJFresh828 has entered the room.
Hillbilly Baluga has entered the room.
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole has entered the room.
Hillbilly Baluga: Awesome job today guys!!
Buddbuster: Man I can't believe we won guys!!!!
Hillbilly Baluga: I can -- we're an awesome team
SkyDouglasLP has entered the room.
DJFresh828: that was great
iamalwaysthemole: good teamwork is all we need
Hillbilly Baluga: most definitely
SkyDouglasLP: great job guys!
Hillbilly Baluga: yeah, everyone did an awesome job
Hillbilly Baluga: I know I should be happy that we won immunity, and I am. I gave it my all because I wanted my tribe to see that I am a strong team member and a valuable commodity. But, in some ways, Im disappointed. Theres one person I just haven't clicked with and seemed to rub me the wrong way. But oh well. At least I can guarantee I'll be here three more days!
DJFresh828: ok..I gotta run..Wickedly perfect is coming on
bpcrap2 has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole: no worries for a few days
Hillbilly Baluga: the day hasn't ended yet
iamalwaysthemole: should we check our stats? lol
Hillbilly Baluga: I wouldn't yet
Hillbilly Baluga: give yoru stats time to build up
iamalwaysthemole: it was a joke
Hillbilly Baluga: LOL
Hillbilly Baluga: well bp had asked for how many past votes he had...so I was just checking
Hillbilly Baluga: lol
Buddbuster: but hill the game just started!!!
Buddbuster: LOL
Hillbilly Baluga: lol
iamalwaysthemole: I'm going to get some water, *walks to the ocean to get water*
Hillbilly Baluga: lol
DJFresh828 has left the room.
Buddbuster: :: Gets the Firewood::
Hillbilly Baluga: ::sleeps::
Buddbuster: :: Gets bit by Sea Urchin.... I need someone to pee on my hand quick::
Caseboy6: treemail again...well sorta
Hillbilly Baluga: oh, ok
iamalwaysthemole: *walks back from water trip*
Caseboy6: Congratulations, you each receive 12 SP due to six Yasur
Hillbilly Baluga: woohoo!!!
Buddbuster: SWEET
bpcrap2: cool
iamalwaysthemole: excellent
Hillbilly Baluga: hopefully we can keep this winning streak up
iamalwaysthemole: they seem like an equally strong team
Hillbilly Baluga: that is true
SkyDouglasLP: 12 SP, Cool!
Buddbuster: :: Gets bit by Sea Urchin.... I need someone to pee on my hand quick::
Hillbilly Baluga: ....stands around waiting for someone else to offer!
Buddbuster: LOL
Hillbilly Baluga: ::slowly unzips lookin around seeing if anyone else wants to::
Buddbuster: The day has ended, I'll see everyone next meeting .
Buddbuster: I love that Face
iamalwaysthemole: I have to run, I have a sub waiting on the counter
Buddbuster: ::Falls to the ground::
bpcrap2: See y'all later.
bpcrap2: Time to watch AI, get caught up.,
Buddbuster: AI isnt on tonight