Matgemini has entered the room.
DOGHHH has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole has entered the room.
Hillbilly Baluga has entered the room.
Hillbilly Baluga: WE DID IT AGAIN
Caseboy6 has entered the room.
DOGHHH: That was fun
Matgemini: WE SMACKED EM
SkyDouglasLP: gj everyone!
DOGHHH: I wish i didnt have AOL then I could be in both chats at once
Hillbilly Baluga: eh, its cool
Matgemini: WELL download aim
Matgemini: lol
Matgemini: simple
Hillbilly Baluga: Good job for everyone that helped with the list
Matgemini: u can be on aima nd aol at da same time
Matgemini: lol
DOGHHH: I have AIM but that creates major lag
DOGHHH: my comp sucks
Matgemini: get a better pc
iamalwaysthemole: we've won three immunities in a row
Hillbilly Baluga: that we have
DOGHHH: i have 3...all suck
Matgemini: were the best
Hillbilly Baluga: had it not been for that stupid spirtual stone it would have been 4
bpcrap2 has entered the room.
iamalwaysthemole: I think it's good we voted out Dj
Matgemini: hmm
DOGHHH: DJ was nice but not very talky
Hillbilly Baluga: yeah, considering he was almost completely inactive
iamalwaysthemole: inactvity ruins tribe
Hillbilly Baluga: yeah
bpcrap2: I wont be here tomorrow, so don't hate me
Hillbilly Baluga: no problemo
DOGHHH: Me either..I work...I hate living in central time zone
Matgemini: ay ay
Hillbilly Baluga: might have to miss next week :-\
Matgemini: oye
Hillbilly Baluga: awe
DOGHHH: I get screwed in the time zone stuff
SkyDouglasLP: mat r u going there?
Matgemini: lol
DOGHHH: Hes from there
iamalwaysthemole: he used to live there
DOGHHH: thats why his icon and stuff is all puerto rican
Matgemini: yup
DOGHHH: im reading a book about puerto rican gangs in NYc
DOGHHH: not even joking
Matgemini: yup
Matgemini: NETAS
Matgemini: latin kings
DOGHHH: and then there is this girl that doesnt have the fear gene
DOGHHH: so she kicks their ***es
DOGHHH: and saves NYC from evil
Hillbilly Baluga: *wishes itd hurry and be two minutes*
Buddbuster has entered the room.
Matgemini: im in a gang
iamalwaysthemole: *collects firewood*
SkyDouglasLP: dog is that called fearless?
DOGHHH: Yes it is lol
DOGHHH: I usually hate teen books
DOGHHH: but I like these ones
DOGHHH: have you read them sky?
Matgemini: ANY 1 HERE IN A GANG
Hillbilly Baluga: lol, I don't really have a taste in books....
DOGHHH: No. I was in a band once
iamalwaysthemole: we should be cutting to commercial break soon
Hillbilly Baluga: as of right now, I'm reading "Angels and Demons"
Buddbuster: ::walks around Naked::
Buddbuster: j/k
Hillbilly Baluga: "Next time on Survivor..."
DOGHHH: Does your gang kill people mat?
SkyDouglasLP: no i havent dog but ive heard of those books
iamalwaysthemole: they are going to tribal council, which means it's just a commercial break
Hillbilly Baluga: oh yeah, thats right
Hillbilly Baluga: *me forgot*
Matgemini: most likely
Hillbilly Baluga: thats weird
Hillbilly Baluga: and disturbing
Hillbilly Baluga: lol
DOGHHH: ::stays away from Mat::
bpcrap2: Goodnight everyone, gonna watch American Idol now, missed it last night to
watch UC lose to UofL . But if you need me you can IM me. See ya, and nice
teamwork tonight
DOGHHH: Unlike Gaia I do have the fear gene
Matgemini: lol
iamalwaysthemole: ::edges away from mat, and mat from s6
bpcrap2 has left the room.
Matgemini: hmmmmmmm
Hillbilly Baluga: lol
DOGHHH: LOL I wish I had special powers
Matgemini: i have speciasl powers
DOGHHH: like the girls from charmed
iamalwaysthemole: I have to leave, bye
iamalwaysthemole has left the room.
DOGHHH: Im pagan and paganism is nothing like TV says
Matgemini: if u become christian u have special powers
DOGHHH: I dont want to be christian.
DOGHHH: I have nothing against christians
DOGHHH: i just dont want to be one myself
Matgemini: ok..
Matgemini: lol
SkyDouglasLP: u have special powers as a christian?
SkyDouglasLP: like what mat?
Matgemini: the power to get anything u want
Matgemini: asloong as u obey god taht is"
SkyDouglasLP: so if u asked for 1 million dollars
DOGHHH: I get anyhting I want
SkyDouglasLP: ud get it
Matgemini: yup
DOGHHH: and I dont believe in God
DOGHHH: Homer did that
Matgemini: do u belive in ghosts n stuff
Matgemini: ?
DOGHHH: and he got struck by lightneing
Hillbilly Baluga: ok, I'm Christian...and um, Puerto Rico must have a different kind of
Christianity because I don't get everything I want
Matgemini: yes u dog
DOGHHH: yes I do.
SkyDouglasLP: mat ur telling me if u asked for a million dollars ud just get it right away?
Matgemini: not rigth away like a freaken genie
Matgemini: probly some time threw out my life i would get blessed witha great job
Matgemini: in taht sence"
DOGHHH: I know a christian girl who is really fat and only has one eye
Matgemini: really?
SkyDouglasLP: r u a perfect christian mat?
DOGHHH: so if there is a god why does she only have one eye?
Hillbilly Baluga: Mat, God doesn't give you everything you wants. He gives you everything
HE wants! He does what is best for you!
Matgemini: im not a perfect christain
Matgemini: no 1 is
Matgemini: yeh i kno but still if u ask 4 it you will get it
Matgemini: lol
DOGHHH: she always asks for 2 eyes
DOGHHH: but she still has one
Matgemini: simple
Hillbilly Baluga: everyone has difficulties Dog...maybe having one eye lets her see life from
a different perspective.....not pun intended
Matgemini: he has his reasons
DOGHHH: and she wears these ****s with frogs on it that says "Dont Croak Without
SkyDouglasLP: u were just saying as a christian u get anyone u want
SkyDouglasLP: anything*
SkyDouglasLP: lol
SkyDouglasLP: ok
DOGHHH: If god was a genie then I would believe in him
Hillbilly Baluga: well sometimes Mat, you DON'T get anything you want, even if isnt like a
genie. Sure, a lot of people wish to be rich, or wish to just have a job so they can have
ANY amount of money. But they don't. God has His reasons for what...
Hillbilly Baluga: ...He does
DOGHHH: plus god says money is evil
Matgemini: yup
Matgemini: it is
Matgemini: curropts u
DOGHHH: mat why are you in a gang if your christian?
Hillbilly Baluga: everyone has a different calling, and if God doesn't want you to be rich, you
won't be rich.
Matgemini: i wanna leave the gang
Matgemini: lol
Hillbilly Baluga: ok, this is just getting weird. I pray all of you see God's Glory someday
Matgemini: yup
Hillbilly Baluga: adios amigos
Hillbilly Baluga has left the room.
SkyDouglasLP: what hill? lol
Matgemini: [email protected]
Matgemini has left the room.
SkyDouglasLP: Bye
B U D D Buster has left the room.
SkyDouglasLP: hm... lol
DOGHHH: Well that was fun..
Caseboy6: lol
DOGHHH: all we are missing is a black choir
DOGHHH: a genie...haha
SkyDouglasLP: mat is such a good christain... i bet hes hacking in
SkyDouglasLP: i mean
SkyDouglasLP: praying right now
SkyDouglasLP: i bet hes praying
SkyDouglasLP: lol
SkyDouglasLP: he told me he hacks into porno sites
SkyDouglasLP: and he sent he a link to some sick site like Wives
DOGHHH: thats gross.
SkyDouglasLP: i know
DOGHHH: im sure he hacks into child puerto rican gang porn too
DOGHHH: and nuns go wild
DOGHHH: .com
SkyDouglasLP: lol
SkyDouglasLP: so what do u believe in dog?
Matgemini has entered the room.
DOGHHH: I am an eclectic pagan
Matgemini: whos the man
SkyDouglasLP: huh?
Matgemini: loll
DOGHHH: youre the man mat ::rolls eyes::
SkyDouglasLP: lol
Matgemini: HOW DARE U
Matgemini: j.k
DOGHHH: haha ::scoots closer to sky::
DOGHHH: please dont kill me
SkyDouglasLP: lol
Matgemini: heh
Matgemini: anyways
Matgemini: i played a good game today
DOGHHH: You always play a good game mat
DOGHHH: We all really do wanna be just like you
DOGHHH: youre seriously our role model
Matgemini: i kno i kno
Matgemini: thank u thank u
DOGHHH: I have the urge to read the Bible now
Matgemini: lol
Matgemini: go head my son!
Matgemini: read away!
DOGHHH: Hmm I think I will read Wicca: Guide For The Solitary Practitioner instead
SkyDouglasLP: u played a good game today in the challenge u mean?
Matgemini: yeh
SkyDouglasLP: dog i wrote a play called wicca for school
Matgemini: dont u agree
DOGHHH: really? coll what was it about?
DOGHHH: Yes Mat you rock my socks
Matgemini: whats good with your remarks?
SkyDouglasLP: it was about evil witches and how God punished them!
SkyDouglasLP: no im jk... my view on witches is that if they do exist they are good
DOGHHH: oh no
DOGHHH: Ok good lol
DOGHHH: So you believe in witches Sky?
DOGHHH: they are real and innocent and gentle
DOGHHH: well some are pissed off
Matgemini: so
DOGHHH: but the good pagans dislike them
Matgemini: yes n where did they come from
SkyDouglasLP: good pagans dislike witches?
DOGHHH: noo good pagans dislike evil ones
SkyDouglasLP: o pissed off witches
DOGHHH: every religion has good and bad people
DOGHHH: yeah
SkyDouglasLP: r u a witch dog?
DOGHHH: there are good christians who have good intentions
DOGHHH: and others that have really bad intentions
DOGHHH: same with buddhists, hindus, muslims, etc
Matgemini: acually the point of being christian is to olny have good intentions
Matgemini: lol..
DOGHHH: same with paganism mat..but there are still bad ones
Matgemini: yes yes
DOGHHH: and I dont know if Im a witch or not
DOGHHH: I dont do spells
DOGHHH: so not really
SkyDouglasLP: um mat remember the whole priest/molestation thing
Matgemini: isenta whitch a girl
SkyDouglasLP: not all catholics are good
DOGHHH: yeah like britney spears
SkyDouglasLP: i think witches can be guys or girls if they do exist