My suspicions are correct, if sky sent you any of our convos, it pretty much had me going back and forth whether to trust case and hill, I kept pacing back and forth for hours because I picked up hints that I wasn't in their alliance. I was just a pawn, I had the wildest plan ever. Unfortunately, they got me 3 days before I could enact my plans. It would've been interesting episodes, seeing the craziest plan in ols history to go down. I was voted out by luck, but I was a rookie, which made my odds decrease. Day 1 I thought the alliance started, day 10 I thought my alliance ended. I am probably the most hardcore player ever to play ols, but maybe I played too hard.Viewers, it wouldn't have been possible without you guys for me being here, as well as survivor guy 886, he should deserve nearly all of the credit for everything that goes down in this game. I'm going to be here every ols game, so be prepared. I'm going to make a different screen name, and a different personality. My true colours doesn't fair out with this game, so my strategy will completly change next time, figuring out the ultimate survivor formula to winning. I was outplayed outlasted and outwitted, don't plan on seeing me compete in trivia, plan on seeing me as a surprise. When I graduate, I want to take survivor guy's job, or be his assistant. Being a nice human being doesn't help. Viewers, I want you to remember my screen name, and the ones that will follow up. Trust me, these people on my tribe are an awesome group of friends. I'll keep in touch with them. I might be the most hardcore player to play this game as I didn't stop thinking about it for over an hour. Viewers, you may consider skipping on purpose after the first impressions, as a survivor formula comes to my mind. You either go in this game all-in, or you don't think about it at all, both serve as great strategies. I would also like to thank Mark Burnett, and members of CBS that have helped keep Survivor Guy's game going. If you end the series, it'll end Survivor Guy's hosting ols and my fun of playing the best-planned game. I'll see you guys in ols10, and every ols following that.

DOGHHH [IAM] He is the biggest and most cockiest threat his mind is more on stats than the game
Caseboy6 [iamalwaysannoying] Iam....you're not worried about the vote? Well you should be! I don't know if your strategy was to see how far you could get in this game by being annoying but whatever floats your boat. Next time, try not to be cocky and be a little more...how should i put this?....normal.
Buddbuster [Buddbuster] (Absent)
DampeRIP [Mat G] "Yo dawg, yu still da numba #1 hacka mon!"
Hillbilly Baluga [Iam] I know we had an alliance in the beginning, but basically, I feel you can't be trusted. You're also a bit...eccentric. But the main reason, you're a threat. Knowing everyone's stats isn't going to help anyone but yourself, and personally, I don't wnat someone like that in our tribe. You were a great competitor, I'm sure if this hadn't happened, you would have went far! Good luck! Ciao!
Matgemini [Matgemini] (Absent)
iamalwaysthemole [damperip] not present, not apart of lopevi, weird sense of humour, has weird sn, and a bit of a smartmouth lol
SkyDouglasLP [iamalwaysthemole] I was going to put Iamalwaysannoying in my vote for you but I just felt too bad so iamalwaysthemole will do lol. Earlier in the game you, case, hill, and myself made an alliance. However, since then you them like you have been getting paranoid and are willing to turn on the alliance whenever you can. This is worrying people that are alligned with you and your paranoia is threatening to people and your cocky remarks in the chats are annoying to people. Sorry but its your time to go... before you even have the chance to turn on Lopevi at the merge.